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Приворот у Нью-Йорку Сильна Магія Сабіна Spell Магічна допомога у Нью-Йорку

Телефонувати на WhatsApp +79236744578 Послуги професійної чорної відьми САБІНИ: Кохання, Гроші, Успіх. Практикуюча чорна відьма допоможе вирішити будь-які проблеми. Я маю власні авторські методики та з кожним клієнтом працюю індивідуально. Після консультації та діагностики я підбираю для вас ритуали та обряди, які гарантують, що ви отримаєте бажаний результат. Хто я? Мене звуть Сабіна. Я чорна відьма із практичним стажем у 23 років. Крім родового дару я пройшла навчання у найкращих шаманів і чаклунів світу. Гарантую позитивний результат та відсутність негативних наслідків для вас. Я завжди закриваю свою роботу енергетично – ніхто не зможе її переглянути. Які магічні послуги я надаю? 1. Енергетичний щит. Це чудовий захист для вас та вашої родини від війни, вірусів та інших небезпек, якими сповнений наш світ сьогодні. Ви можете бути спокійними та впевненими в майбутньому. 2. Привороти: на кохання, на секс, одностатеві, чорне вінчання і т.д. 3. Енергетичні чищення. 4. Опрацювання негативних програм. 5. Зняття псування. 6. Допомога у продажу бізнесу, машини, квартири. 7. Зняття родових прокльонів (печатки самотності, вінця безшлюбності та ін.) 8. Відкриття фінансових потоків, обряди на багатство, магія грошей. 9. Авторські методики для жінок (підняття жіночої енергії, $ексуальності та ін) та багато іншого. Я допоможу вирішити будь-яку проблему. Перед зверненням ви маєте дуже чітко сформулювати свій запит. На те, щоб отримати очікуваний результат, потрібен час. Я завжди обговорюю терміни, даю рекомендації та правила, яких ви повинні дотримуватись. Це відповідальність клієнта, і вона дуже впливає на результат обряду чи ритуалу. Пам'ятайте! Дуже важливо знайти справжнього мага. Звертаючись до шарлатанів, ви ризикуєте не лише втратити гроші, а й отримати дуже неприємні наслідки. Відьма САБІНА допоможе вам у складній ситуації. Ваше життя стане кращим, успішнішим і безпечнішим.

Date Added: 10/02/2023 | Last Updated: 10/02/2023 | Page Views: 104
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Магічні послуги

18+ Читайте уважно, тут розкладено все по поличках і на всі ваші запитання вже є відповіді! Усі ритуали я проводжу білі чорне та без відкату! Для виконання будь-яких обрядів, ворожінь, діагностики мені потрібна ваша фотографія. Фотографія підійде будь-яка, яка у вас є, так само знадобляться повні імена та дати народження. Якщо ви хочете замовити приворот, то будуть потрібні ваша фотографія і фотографія, того на кого націлений приворот, а також його ім'я і дата народження. Давність фотографій не важлива. - Важливо! Ритуал провожу протягом доби відписуюсь як усе минулося. Усі ритуали починають працювати першого дня після проведення обряду. Результат моєї роботи можна побачити вже першими днями після проведення ритуалу. (зазвичай це тиждень-два) - (будь-які консультації цілительством, привороти, відвороти, дуже великий спектр послуг дзвоніть та уточніть! - працюю дистанційно (на відстані) по фотографії, що дуже зручно, їхати нікуди не треба! 1.) діагностика по фото : даний вид послуги є базовим і з нього, як правило, починається будь-яке спілкування з магом. Спочатку ви розповідаєте, що вас турбує :) далі ми разом з вами виявляємо корінь проблеми і знаходимо способи її вирішення. Якщо діагностика виявляє негативні програми, пробої по чакрам, (псування, пристріт, приворот, прокляття, поклад, егільєт та інші проблеми у вашому житті) я усуваю ці проблеми та ставлю захист. Наявність негативних програм впливає на вас і на ритуали, що проводяться! Viber, whatsapp+375299079547

+27639896887 Spell to get your visa approved, Easy Spells To Get Study Visa, Immigration Spell, Spell to bring family back together, Prayer To Break Curses and Spells

+27639896887 Spell to get your visa approved, Easy Spells To Get Study Visa, Immigration Spell, Spell to bring family back together, Prayer To Break Curses and Spells spell for getting a new job or a promotion, Spell for Career Success, +27639896887 Business Spell, Karma Candle Spell, Justice Spell, Reflection Spell, Justice Binding Spell, Power Neutralizing Spell, Voodoo Spells to Save Your Marriage, Curse Removal Charms, Luck Spell, How to Win Someone Back, Traditional Healing, Employment Spell, How To Cast a Spell For Positive Home Energy, Best job spells, Love Marriage Specialist Astrologer, How To Get My Ex Love Back, Powerful Love Binding Spells, Ancestral spiritual guidance, traditional cleansing rituals, witchcraft spells, HOW TO BREAK UP A COUPLE SPELLS, How to Get Rid of Someone Using Magic Spells, Wiccan spells for financial breakthrough, Stop cheating spells, Divorce Spells, Bring back lost love spell, ‎sangoma, Best Love Spells That Work Fast And Easy, Spell to Make Someone Lose Their Job, How To Reverse Spells When Everything Goes Wrong, White Magic Spell To Make Someone Think Of You, Easy Charms & Potions to Attract Money, Love and Happiness Spells for Visa Passport Green Card Immigration Deportation +27639896887 Court Case and Road Opener is definately called for. Burn brown candles dressed in Court Case along with orange candles dressed with Road Opener. Together they can get things to move along smoothly and eliminate delays. Dust all your immigration papers with Court Case to have whoever looks through them favor you and pass things along. You might consider getting Saint Expedite involved as he's not only good for money, but eliminating delays and getting things pushed through in legal and bureucracies. Call or Whatsapp: +27639896887 When I was going through the immigration process, I worked alot of Court Case brown candles, that I then covered in orange wax embedded with fast luck and orange peel. When I would use the candles things would move along - when I didn't things would stall some. That was just my experience. If you have a specific case worker, then put them in a Court Case honey jar. Call or Whatsapp: +27639896887 Getting citizenship can indeed take a long time, but getting something like a work visa isn't usually too bad. I recommend Fast Luck, Court Case and Crown of Success. The Fast Luck to speed things along, Court Case to help smooth out any legal issues and Crown of Success for, well, success! Dress papers with a mix of those powders and burn candles dressed with those oil, if you get the names of the people that can help you, a case worker or the like, put that in a honey jar, if not use the names of the organizations and there logo's. Blessed Saint Expedite can be of great aid in cases like this, because he is not only petitioned for aid when one needs fast results, but also to help overcome procrastination, the image of him stepping on the crow is a visual pun on that. So I would definitely recommend you ask for his help to speed up the proses and stop anyone from procrastinating and slowing you down. You can petition him very simply with a red candle dressed with Fast Luck oil or his oil and an image of him, a Holy card, statue, medal, any of these will work. Dress the candle and set it and a glass of water before his image. Light the candle and pray to him, either an extemporaneous prayer from your heart, or one of the many traditional prayers to him. You must promise to pay him for his good work on your behalf, a slice of pound cake and red flowers is traditional, I know some people also swear by giving him a glass of red wine. It is imperative that you pay him what his due when the work is done, or he will take back all he has done for you and then some. A fixed Saint Expedite candle from Papa Omar would also be a great way to petition him and would take the place of the free standing candle I mentioned before. Call or Whatsapp: +27639896887 When I was attempting to get my permanent residency here in Canada and things were getting critical I got a brown pull-out candle and an orange altar candle. I melted the orange candle down using a baking tray lined with tin foil on the stove top, and added orange peel. This was for speed. I then rolled the brown candle in that mixture and let it dry and solidify. I then dressed that candle with Court Case oil while praying my petition. I also wrote a very passionate petition paper and placed that under the candle, and then set it working. Every day I spent time praying over the candle for a speedy and favorable resolution to the situation. In *this case*, 3 days after the candle finished I received the word that my case had been processed and accepted. Knowing nothing about your case, I can't say that this same work would have the same result, but I was started with the result. You may also wish to think about doing a divination to see if St. Expedite may be able to help with your case. If so, than a petition to him along with something along these lines could be very effective. If you know the name of who is handling your case, you can also do a sweet Commanding jar on them, using brown sugar (I prefer brown sugar for sweet jars, because it tastes much sweeter and more pure to me, but if you only have white sugar on hand it should certainly work) which if time is an issue I prefer to use in place of honey, since sugar is "faster" as it is loose and dissolves quickly. Also use herbs like liquorice and calamus for commanding/controlling, five finger grass for getting favors granted, lemongrass to open the way, cinnamon for sweet quickness, and some court case herbs. Place them in a jar with a picture of the case worker, if you can find one online, or their name. I suppose you could also work this without a name, using "My Immigration Case Worker", though I've only done this using a picture and name. Work this in conjunction with a Road Opener vigil candle that you set working 1-3 days before you commence this work. Shake that jar at least 3 times every day while calling out your command to them. Heat it up by holding it over the flame of your Court Case candle and your Road Opener candle, and then shake and command some more. I also would burn purple or brown candles on it daily dressed with Court Case and Commanding oils. I used that Commanding sweet jar warmed over my vigil candles to get the doctors here to decide to fast-track my husband's surgery. And it worked within 10 days. I can see the same thing working in an Immigration case, because it is also dealing with a lot of red tape and your case being decided by one person. So, these are ideas of what you can do on your end. I'm sure if you look through the AIRR pages you'll find someone who specialize in court case work, who may be able to help you. Call or Whatsapp: +27639896887 Email: [email protected] Citizenship Legal Spell | Spell casting for any types of immigration, citizenship issues in any country Are you having issues with you or someone you love being allowed to live in a specific country? This spell will help ease the immigration process to become easier and have rulings go your way. This spell helps with any type of citizenship issue in any country. For this spell work I will need your name and the photo. Or, alternatively. you may share just your full name and DOB. Also, share any details about your situation and your wishes for my work for you. The difference between Standard, Strong and Super-Strong Spells is in extra work/additional rituals and boosters done in addition to the main standard spell, making results more powerful and long lasting: Standard - 1 spell; Stronger - 2 spells; Super-Strong - 3 spells minimum. I will send you my report via Etsy message within 1-5 days after your purchase. You are purchasing services and digital report. Nothing physical will be shipped to your address. Blessed be, Papa Omar Disclaimer: Divination and spell-related items are for entertainment purposes only according to Etsy's Seller Policy. Also, complying with Etsy's Policy, you will be buying tangible goods, such as photos or videos and written content related to the ritual. You will receive my report within 1-5 days depending on the day of your order. Call or Whatsapp: +27639896887 Love Tarot Reading - Find Clarity in Your Relationships | Same Day Love Tarot | Fast Readings - Relationship Guidance Tarot Reading Are you navigating through the complexities of love or feeling drifted in your romantic endeavors? A Love Tarot Reading might just be the beacon of insight and direction you need to traverse the path of love with assurance and grace. In this intimate Love Tarot Reading, I'll harness my intuitive prowess alongside the mystical tarot to explore the depths of your romantic queries. Be it intrigue about a budding romance, uncertainties in your present connection, or seeking solace from love that has sailed, the tarot will unfold truths and chart a course forward. Upon purchasing this Love Tarot Reading, you're set to receive an in-depth reading, telling you your tarot cards along with a profound interpretation of each drawn card. Beyond the revelations, I'll extend bespoke counsel and wisdom reflective of the tarot's counsel.

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For questions and consultations Contact: +7(930) 733-1242 WhatsApp Viber Hereditary fortune teller and psychic, I work in the field of practical magic. I conduct strong rituals in the following areas: Village magic, Rune magic, Paganism, High magic, Voodoo. All types of love spells, egilette, turning away from everyone, rituals for marriage, rituals for marital fidelity. Rituals for wealth and success. Rituals for health, rituals for alcoholism. Removing damage and negativity, protection. Author's methods of love spells, rituals for protection and removal of negativity. Rituals of love magic are carried out in a complex - this is a love spell, egillet, quarrel or ostuda (if there is a rival or rival), also blackouts and locks on work. Payment immediately. The rituals do not have any negative consequences, are carried out by an experienced magician, and a ransom is paid. For any questions or advice, please contact us via WhatsApp or call the number listed in the ad.