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From life to life

In the USA, like nowhere else on our planet, the creative potential and talent of people who come from different parts of the planet are revealed.
Thousands of scientists and musicians, artists, doctors and founders of business empires, directors were not born in America, but made it famous. One of the first foreigners to achieve outstanding success in the field of directing in Hollywood was the Englishman Sir Charlie Chaplin.
Another Englishman is the creator of the psychological thriller genre, Alfred Hitchcock. A native of Austria-Hungary, three-time Oscar winner Billy Wilder, known for the film Some Like It Hot. Winner of two Oscars, emigrant from Czechoslovakia Milos Forman (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) Roman Polanski, born in Paris, miraculously survived the Holocaust, Canadian James Cameron (Titanic, Terminator, Avatar), etc. Examples of these outstanding directors show that the road to American cinema is open, but it takes talent, skill and desire work "until a sweat", self-belief and luck. The first, second and third, as well as charm and optimism, without a doubt, belong to the Georgian director Beka Sikharulidze, whom I was introduced to by the President of the Bagrationi Foundation Diana Bagrationi. Many talented people, natives of Georgia , she gave a start to American life.
In New York, from March 13th to 18th, the Socially Relevant film festival will be held at Cinema Village, at 22 E 12th Street, New York, and on March 17th, at 7 pm there will be a premiere and a meeting with the director and artists and the film will be shown Beki Sikharulidze is an American actor, director and producer. His father Givi Sikharulidze, an outstanding actor, writer and choreographer of Georgia, his mother Rusudan Sikharulidze was a doctor. Born into such a family, Beka was distinguished by his artistry from childhood, was a dancer of the Georgian National Ensemble, champion of Georgia among juniors in tennis, practiced boxing, martial arts, and was a black belt holder in karate. He was the personal bodyguard of the Tbilisi Police Commissioner.
Based in Los Angeles since 1998, he founded the Beck Tennis Academy and has coached 50 professionals, as well as national and international juniors, and has trained Hollywood celebrities for film, television and commercial roles.
Beck, inspired by the masters of American cinema, studied acting at the Berg Studio with Gregory Berger-Sobek in Hollywood, under Ivana Chubbuck. In 2022, he played Russian hacker Yuri in Steven Soderbergh's thriller Kimi.
He studied directing at the New York Film Academy and at the University of Los Angeles.
In 2014, Beka opened his film production company, Beka Film Productions LLC, in Tbilisi, Georgia. In 2015, he directed his first short film, “Grandfather’s Debtor” (2015), playing the main role. He achieved worldwide success and received seven awards at the International Film Festival. The film was bought by Eurochannel and was broadcast in 86 countries for two years. Beka has been appointed the official representative of the Georgian Film Academy in the USA and Canada.
He wrote and directed his first full-length drama, From Life to Life (2023), which tells about the difficult life in Georgia in the dashing 90s. The life of a surgeon is shown, who, despite the difficult life in Georgia, rampant racketeering, crime, corruption, remains a real doctor, for whom the lives of people and helping patients come first.
The film shows great love, where the main roles were played by the handsome Beka Sakharulidze and Nino Kuratashvili.
It shows what proud and wonderful people were around, who understood what a good doctor means, and perhaps someone will see in this doctor real doctors, perhaps those who were not evacuated, but remained in cities in Ukraine, now that there is a war to provide assistance to patients, those who need help.
Marina Lagunova

Date Added: 03/14/2024 | Last Updated: 03/14/2024 | Page Views: 19
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