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Live-in job for a single guy

A wealthy and accomplished older gay man, in good physical shape, leading a healthy lifestyle and diet, will invite a guy 18-30 years old to live in my house on the ocean. For basic help in maintaining a home, I will provide you with a separate room, full maintenance and security, and also a small salary, which you can completely put aside for personal savings. By showing loyalty, honesty and the necessary assistance, I will help you become financially secure in life, making you your successor. I will only answer those who sent a little information about themselves (before asking questions) and also attached their photo. I prefer to contact me by mail: [email protected] since I use my phone only for text messages and don’t answer calls.

Date Added: 12/05/2023 | Last Updated: 12/22/2023 | Page Views: 30
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Потрібні дівчата слов'янської зовнішності 18-35 років

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