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New York City Council elections

Elections to local authorities - to the City Council, in which Russian-speaking candidates also took part, took place against the backdrop of difficult times in our country, and in our city as well.
Many people know Ari Kagan, whom his friends call “our Danko, who gives his heart to people,” whom people value, respect and love.
It’s a pity, but he loses his seat in the City Council, although, despite the low voter turnout in the elections, more than 8,000 people from different communities voted for him. He and under his leadership did a lot of good things for people, and a lot of money was allocated for the area he represents. New York City Council Finance Committee Representative Justin Brannan was running against Ari Kagan, and no one else would have ever beaten Ari Kagan. According to many, this is not a failure for Ari, but only a step towards new achievements, yes, yes, this is not a defeat! Ari on his Facebook page thanked everyone who voted for him and wrote that he was not leaving, but would continue to help people. This is his distinctive feature - he loves to help people and does it from the heart. Many people remember: when he didn’t win the elections, he still continued to help people. You could approach him on the street and, by asking a question, get the right advice. For many, he and his office staff served as free lawyers.
Congratulations to Inna Vernikova, who won the election. This brave woman came to the rally to protect our children, the students of Brooklyn College. Unfortunately, when her blouse lifted a little, they saw the pistol for which she had permission. I hope her lawyer can help her since she didn't pick up a gun.
Be kinder! Please hug and smile at each other, together we are strong!!!
Marina Lagunova

Date Added: 11/16/2023 | Last Updated: 12/28/2023 | Page Views: 45
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