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Our good Santa Claus

Our good Santa Claus
An interesting tradition when children write letters with requests to Santa Claus before the New Year. Special mailboxes can be seen in large stores and even a beautiful box is in the office of our newspaper "R. Advertising".
JCH of Bensonhurst has a free store in its employment department where employees and kind people donate items. During this pre-holiday time, the center's employees distributed things and toys to children, which was accompanied by unforgettable children's smiles and words of gratitude.
Many people probably learned that before the New Year, more than a thousand children from various communities received gifts, which became possible thanks to the New American Civic League & Coney Island. It took place on 86th Street and 18th Avenue in Brooklyn and many witnessed a line that stretched for three blocks. The wonderful idea to give gifts to children, giving unforgettable moments of joy, belongs to district leader Dmitry Kugel, whose idea was supported by district leaders Lucretia Regina Poter, Yuri Dashevsky, the Sarantopolous family and volunteers, thanks to whom the children felt care and attention.
Adults, especially from the countries of the former USSR, still remember with what trepidation they waited for New Year's gifts in childhood, but today many children are waiting for gifts in the same way during this difficult time for everyone. It's no secret that many people in New York live from paycheck to paycheck and, as they say, some have no time for gifts. And, of course, it is wonderful that 1000 gifts were received by children from families where parents did not have the opportunity to give their children a little joy, so it is not surprising that the line for gifts was so long.
Still, it’s nice to see how the tradition of expecting New Year’s gifts is preserved and brings joy to new generations. No matter where we live, fortunately there are people who bring joy to children in families where financial resources are limited, highlighting how important kindness and solidarity is during the holiday season.
Several children who received gifts said: “My sister and I were really looking forward to mom and dad returning from work and we would all go together to meet good Santa, who would fly to us on a rocket and hand out gifts. Santa Claus is already on his way back to Severny pole, and we are waiting for it again, next year!"
Touching stories of children waiting for the arrival of the good Santa Claus show how important and necessary family traditions are for raising children on the eve of the holidays, and not only.
I wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Marina Lagunova

Date Added: 12/29/2023 | Last Updated: 12/29/2023 | Page Views: 33
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