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Date Added: 04/26/2024 | Last Updated: 04/26/2024 | Page Views: 14
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My husband was bewitched by a friend from work... It wasn’t funny to me! He rushed about and went to her, and I found out everything... but when I gave her an ultimatum, he chose her! What was I like then... our child was one and a half years old at that time... I was thinking about what to do and a friend advised me to look for people with abilities. I called many people, but the fortune telling and analyzes were unconvincing. But that’s exactly how I found the magician Andrey. He only asked for a photo and nothing more. How impressed I was when he began to say something that no one could help but know. I got goosebumps. It turned out that my husband had a love spell on him. Life is divided into before and after. I asked for help to remove this. Andrei set a deadline of two weeks (give or take) and began work... but this was of course easier, since I saw Andrei’s abilities, which gave me confidence. In her work, Andrei turned out to be a very pleasant and polite person (in my understanding, fortune tellers and magicians were different). And, my happiness, my husband is back! I won’t tell you all the walks and apologies... but the result is the same - we were able to survive it. Of course, thank you very much Andrey! Here is his number +380932169225, you can also write to him on Viber and WhatsApp.


When such a state, when you give up, when you are ready to do anything, would you like to return him. I remember these sensations. The pain is dull, in the middle, as if everything is being torn to pieces. I was ready to give everything if only he would come back. And he told me “I don’t need you, I have someone else.” I had such thoughts that I wanted to do something to myself, but I told myself, convinced myself that I wouldn’t give up. I looked through a lot of forums, advertisements... I stopped at a few, but called her first, and settled on her. Probably something from above prompted me. She made a schedule, I was extremely surprised at how precise she spoke, she even named the names of her loved ones. Then she agreed to work with me. I am very grateful to her for this. My boyfriend is with me , tells me that she loves me, now we are looking for an apartment to rent and live together. I decided to leave my little review about her too))) Here is her number +380632574828 Viber/Whatsapp


Добридень ! У мене була сім'я та успішний бізнес. Я собі ні в чому не відмовляв, поїздки за кордон, машини міняв, дачу збудував шикарну. До мене на фірму прийшла влаштовуватися гарна молода дівчина, бухгалтером. Я, звичайно, підписав їй заяву. Не знаю що зі мною сталося, я напевно закохався як у молодості. Затяглися наші стосунки на два роки, дружина здогадувалася. А я все не міг піти від молодої, мене тягнуло до неї сильно. Менше я бував удома, пропадав у неї завжди. Діти дзвонили просили щоб я приїжджав, а в мене пиля була в очах (я думав тільки про неї). У бізнесі почалися проблеми. Мене запросили друзі на пікнік, я другові розповів про свою проблему. Він мені відразу сказав щось не так і дав номер телефону Олександра, сказавши що він мені допоможе розібратися в моїй проблемі. Він теж не раз до нього звертався, і завжди йому допомагав. Через тиждень я зателефонував Олександру і домовився про зустріч. Коли я прибув до нього я був шокований, говорив про такі речі, які знав тільки я. А за молоду бухгалтерку сказав що вона мене приворожила, чому у мене проблеми та пиляка. Працював Олександр зі мною сім днів, почало все налагоджуватися і в сім'ї, і в роботі. Бухгалтерку я одразу звільнив. Пішла пиляка і думки про неї після того, як Олександр зі мною попрацював. Зараз із родиною на відпочинку. На подяку Олександру залишаю свій відгук, може кому - небудь знадобитися хто зіткнувся з такою ситуацією. Рекомендую Александра +380971792179 viber!



Clairvoyant in New York.

Clairvoyant in New York, Fortune Teller in New York, Fortune Teller in New York, Tarot Card Reading in New York, Astrologer in New York, Coffee Ground Fortune Telling in New York, Future Prediction in New York, Runologist in New York, Clairvoyant consultation in New York, Professional fortune teller in New York. Clairvoyant and fortune teller in New York, Tarot card reading and astrology in New York, Clairvoyant consultation and future prediction in New York, Professional fortune teller and consultation in New York. Hello! My name is Emelie and I am a fortune teller, clairvoyant and master of magic. My magical practice covers the cities of Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk, Schetzen and many others. I offer magical assistance and fortune telling both in person and at a distance. Since childhood, I have always been interested in esoteric issues. I believe that the Universe has its own plans for each of us, and through spirits and angels guides us along the path of life. I help in spiritual healing, development of awareness and inner potential of my clients, seeing astral currents and their reflection in their destinies. In my sessions I will talk about your past, present and possible events in your future. Each person is given several possible paths at birth, and each person's choices influence their life path and chain of events. Fortune telling and predictions only reflect certain possibilities, and each person can try to change the future thanks to his work, perseverance and abilities. In my practice I help cope with many problems. I perform rituals, remove damage, get rid of the evil eye and curses. My services also include business magic and love magic, where I not only restore families, but also create energy that contributes to quickly finding a partner. I own many exclusive rites, rituals and conspiracies, the application of which is as varied as life itself. If you are looking for help in solving your problems or want to know more about your destiny, do not hesitate to contact me. You can contact me at +380500147707 to make an appointment. Let's transform your life for the better together!