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Unique service for children

Unique service for children
When caring for people with disabilities, temporary or permanent, each of our employees makes every effort to improve the patient's quality of life, his mood, self-esteem and self-confidence.
For more than 16 years, S&A Unified Home Care has provided the highest level of home care services to thousands of New Yorkers with varying needs and health conditions.
Today we'd like to introduce you to Camille, the OPWDD Program Director. Camilla will tell readers in detail about the program and other services that S&A Unified provides, who has the right to apply for the service and how the application procedure goes.
— Camilla, please tell us about the OPWDD program, who can use it?
- OPWDD (Office for People With Developmental Disabilities) - a program for people with developmental disabilities, including mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, neurological disorders, autism spectrum disorder, family dysautonomia and Prader-Willi syndrome.

— What is the main advantage of OPWDD?
— This program is unique in that it provides a personal coordinator to help the child and parent. The coordinator will help you find a home care provider who will provide physical and emotional comfort to the patient. Our staff assists with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, grooming, mobility assistance, etc.
— What is necessary to apply for this program?
— In order to access most OPWDD services, patients generally must provide certification that they have a developmental disability and be enrolled in Medicaid. If you do not have Medicaid, you will be provided with assistance in applying for it.
— How does the application process for the program go?
— The professional team at S&A Unified Home Care will provide all the assistance you need in your native language. Employees will answer all questions and help you fill out the necessary documents as quickly as possible.
— What other benefits can you get thanks to OPWDD?
— Depending on the age of the patient, the program provides financial assistance to families to receive the necessary developmental activities that help improve the child’s health, adaptation and integration, such as hippotherapy (classes with horses), swimming, drawing, modeling, playing musical instruments, development classes fine motor skills and others. The program also provides about $3,000 a year for camp, clothing and other expenses.
— Thank you for your comprehensive answers and detailed description of your agency’s services.
- And thank you. At S&A Unified Home Care, every employee is ready to help and answer all your questions.
Our team of professionals is happy to provide qualified assistance to improve and adapt to the client’s daily life, both in society and at home.
Contact us by phone:
718-980-6100 ext. 202,
and we will be happy to help you

Date Added: 02/23/2024 | Last Updated: 02/23/2024 | Page Views: 20
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