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Russian & US Passport - Renewal of Expired/Restoration of Lost
PASSPORT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION - restoration of a lost/extended one. Restoration of Russian citizenship. Extension/Obtaining/Restoration. Registration for the nearest dates. Call! Consultation is free. Consulate of the Russian Federation in the USA.
✔for Ukrainian citizens - legalization in the United States after completing the U4U program or humanitarian parole. ✔EXTENSION OF TPS + PASSWORD + WORK PERMIT ✔make an appointment at the Ukrainian embassy for the nearest dates. ✔green cards for political asylum, filing applications for citizenship. ✔extension of B1 / B2 visas, registration of fiancé / fiancée visas. ✔assistance in filling out / submitting immigration forms to USCIS. ✔passport issues for citizens of the Russian Federation. ✔extension / registration of a Russian passport for 5/10 years, with / without personal presence at the Russian embassy. ✔restoration of documents. ✔appointment at the embassy for the nearest dates. ✔APOSTILLE. ✔translation of documents, notarization of documents. ✔Possibility to receive wages by check, WITHOUT THE RIGHT TO WORK.
✔for Ukrainian citizens - legalization in the United States after completing the U4U program or humanitarian parole. ✔EXTENSION OF HUMANITARIAN PAROLE + WORK PERMIT ✔green cards for political asylum, filing applications for citizenship. ✔extension of B1/B2 visas, processing of fiancé/fiancée visas. ✔assistance in filling out/submitting immigration forms to USCIS. ✔passport issues for Russian citizens. ✔extension/processing of a Russian passport for 5/10 years, with/without personal presence at the Russian embassy. ✔restoration of documents. ✔appointment at the embassy for the nearest dates. ✔APOSTILLE. ✔translation of documents, notarization of documents.