Large, bright, separate furnished room after renovation. Near the ocean. Building, high first floor, no elevator needed. Separate passage to the kitchen and bathroom. Utilities included. The apartment is always kept clean and quiet. The owner is a 60-year-old man and three cats. The room is rented only for: Truck drivers or those who work from home online. No children and animals. No furniture and many suitcases. The kitchen is only for heating up food and preparing breakfasts. Laundry nearby. Metro and buses nearby. Bank, post office, pharmacies, groceries nearby. Embankment, parks, gyms nearby. Non-drinkers and non-smokers. No right to invite guests. Those who like peace and quiet and cleanliness. For one person: $625 for 2 weeks. + Deposit The apartment can be changed from December 2. For two: $850 for 2 weeks + Deposit. For questions and information, please do not call, only SMS **If you do not belong to the above category, please do not disturb with questions.
Date Added: 11/01/2024 |
Last Updated: 11/01/2024 |
Page Views: 19
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I will rent a separate furnished room to a non-smoking working intelligent single man for a long term. Internet, TV, electricity all included. Close to Brighton (718) 449-6868