* AMEROS * New York * * We will provide professional assistance: * EXTENSION and REPLACEMENT of VISA STATUS: J1\B2\F1\EB1.2.3 without leaving the USA. * APPLYING FOR POLITICAL ASYLUM. * FILLING out all types of immigration forms. * GREEN CARD for victims of domestic violence (ABUSE). * GREEN CARD Reunification with US Citizenship. * Russian Citizenship + Passport for Newborns in the USA. * APOSTILLE (all types of documents for 50 US states). * US CITIZEN VISAS to RUSSIA, BELARUS (for 3 years). * STUDENT GUEST VISAS to the USA, CANADA. * TRANSLATIONS of documents (all types and any complexity). * For questions, please contact us for free information: *Our Address: 1718 E 15 Str. Brooklyn NY 11229 USA* Tel\ Viber\ Wasp\Telegram: 1-917-8800982 \ www.ameros.us