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❤️ Pleasant Evening ❤️ STATEN ISLAND

I live near the bridge Verrazano
(929) 300-2033

Date Added: 12/21/2023 | Last Updated: 12/24/2023 | Page Views: 30
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Вона шукає його

55, слов'янської зовнішності, без імміграційних та житлових проблем, легка у спілкуванні, познайомиться з чоловіком. (718) 550-3971

She is looking for him

Woman, 31, with financial education, will meet a man before 35. Text (585) 310-9007

She is looking for him

Attractive, slim, intelligent, educated, excellent cook, would like to meet a man 67+ for life together. (646) 330-7243

It's already Spring!

I would like to meet a man for a long-term relationship, meetings, friendship. I'm suitable for a kind, smart, unmarried man, no depression, no housing problems, non-smoker, 45-60 years old, from Brooklyn. That is, the same as me. Please write a text first, introduce yourself and let's talk. I wish you a warm spring and pleasant acquaintances.

Charming beauty

Fiery blonde.
Short unforgettable meetings.