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English for everyone!

My mission is to convey knowledge correctly, simply and intelligently. Speak English through REGULAR classes! You will exercise for 15 minutes 2 times a day. At a convenient time. Every day. A notebook and many practices will be provided. You will receive useful materials for regular study and repetition of knowledge at any level. And you will also speak English WITHOUT video calling, so that you can speak English even on the phone. This is the hardest part! Write to WhatsApp or TG at +79660001503

Date Added: 06/18/2024 | Last Updated: 06/18/2024 | Page Views: 40
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Learn English with pleasure

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English according to the KGB method

An experienced teacher will teach you conversational English in a short time. You will be able to speak fluently in the present, past, future tense, in the affirmative, interrogative and negative forms. You will be able to construct simple and special questions. You will learn modern American slang. Classes are conducted for people speaking Russian and Uzbek. Attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - NOT EXPENSIVE.

Online learning languages

Online platforms for learning languages: App, schools, courses, community Pick from 40+ languages Learn more: EDUGROUP.BIZ/LANGUAGE

English classes

conversation lessons. in a cafe, in makhetan, with a native speaker who graduated from the university. 1 929 599 83 95 sophie