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Date Added: 04/24/2024 | Last Updated: 04/24/2024 | Page Views: 14
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Як налагодити бізнес-процеси

«Допоможу позбутися емоційного спустошення у бізнесменів» Якщо ви вже кілька місяців «гасите пожежі» свого бізнесу, забули про відпочинок та здоровий сон. Але від цього ваш бізнес тільки продовжує падати вниз і зазнавати збитків, то я можу вам допомогти. Я проводжу безкоштовні консультації, щоб виявити причини вашої тривожності, втрати колишньої радості та бадьорості та неможливості через це налагодити бізнес процеси. На консультації ми з вами визначимо причини емоційного спустошення, втрати колишньої сили, неможливості повноцінно відпочити та зосередитись на важливих справах. Ми розберемо як вийти з ситуації, що склалася, стабілізувати і масштабувати ваш бізнес. Я приймаю лише 3 особи на тиждень. Всі подробиці – пишіть у личку.

Passport of the Russian Federation for 10 years until the entry into force of the new law.

Passport of the Russian Federation for 10 years until the entry into force of the new law.

Upgrade your Instagram ❗❗❗

Upgrading your Instagram ❗❗❗my name is Alexander, I’m ready to take on the development of your Instagram page, I have extensive experience in this matter, I took courses and gained knowledge from leading specialists in Russia, I developed Instagram in my stores for many years. I’m ready to take on the development of your personal page or your business, if interested, write to Telegram, Whatsapp, SMS or just call +13476999089❗❗❗there are two options for the price, for $50 a day I will manage your page according to the Instagram algorithm , you send me the content yourself, for $100 a day I will come to you, for example, to your business, take the necessary photos, videos, create content, process photos and videos, and post them accordingly, also relying on Instagram algorithms.

How to get into the 1% of successful traders without losing years and money.

1. Learn from those who are able to prove their success by demonstrating their account history for the year. 2. Don't be driven by the herd mentality. If the knowledge gained in well-promoted schools with group training was beneficial, the percentage of successful traders in the long term would be much more than one percent. In personal correspondence, I will provide account histories of both conservative trading of investor funds at 10% per month, and the results of aggressive trading with a profitability of 70% per month. The price of a standard training course with a yield of up to 30% per month, on the day the advertisement is submitted, is 800 €. The price of an advanced course with a profitability of up to 70% per month is 1000 €. The first part of the training, which gives an understanding that this trading strategy allows you to earn real money, costs 200 € (staged payment). Telegram: @Invest_grup_369

Translator from Russian and Ukrainian to English, Spanish and Portuguese!!!

Good afternoon. My name is Volodya. I am a certified Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish and Portuguese translator. I work with written and oral translations. Phone: (347) 764-2587 Volodya Website: