Looking for part-time work on Saturdays and/or Sundays
Looking for a part-time job on Saturdays and/or Sundays (Front Desk, helper, cashier, salesperson, etc.). In New York for 2 years. Male, 38 years old. Fluent English. Have experience working in New York on the Front Desk in a hairdresser's and at the checkout in a store. Energetic, presentable appearance, responsible.
Packer/Sorter at the warehouse of branded clothing New Balance (Legal entry and work in America
Job opening: Warehouse worker at New Balance, Los Angeles and other cities, USA Salary: about $4,500 per month Men, women and couples aged 18 to 55 are invited.
Queens Forrest Hills The Deli's culinary department requires an employee with mandatory cooking skills. If you do not have experience in Deli, we will teach you everything. 35-40 hours per week. Pay is discussed individually during the interview. If you do not live in Queens, please do not disturb.