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Associate psychologist

Provide psychological services under the supervision of a licensed psychologist. Design, develop, administer, score, and interpret psychological tests. Conduct psychological evaluations. Participate at treatment team meetings and assist in the development of behavioral / treatment plans. Participate in and lead individual, family and group counseling sessions. Provide administrative supervision to lower-level psychology staff. Prepare reports and maintain a wide variety of records. Must be reachable for appointment from the current Civil Service eligible list; or have 1 year of permanent service as an Associate Psychologist and be eligible for lateral transfer; or be in a title deemed appropriate for transfer via Section 70.1 of the Civil Service Law. $ 76,310 to $ 95,719 per year. Fax (718) 642-5290

Date Added: 03/04/2021 | Last Updated: 03/04/2021 | Page Views: 241
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