Male, 47 years old, Russian, physically strong. All necessary documents available: HHA Certificate, SSN, Employment Authorisation, medical certificate. Work experience in the specialty in a home care agency - 9 months. (More than 30 English-speaking patients) Intermediate level of English. Ready to work directly or through an agency. $20/hour, at least 40 hours a week. One permanent case. 16466339667 Konstantin [email protected]
Caring for elderly people or children with special needs.
A 30-year-old man who speaks Russian and a little English, calm, balanced, educated. Looking for work caring for elderly people or children with special needs. I have experience. I know how to provide first aid. Work for cash. If necessary, then with accommodation. NY. 726-233-99-86
Queens or Long Island. I will take care of your loved one
My name is Christina. I am 55 years old. Nurse. Graduated from New Jersey Medical College. Healthy, physically strong. I am looking for a live-in or live-in care job, full-time or short-time. Geographically in Queens or Long Island. Call!