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Babysitters, nurses

Brooklyn, babysitting jobs. (718) 290-5946

Date Added: 08/14/2024 | Last Updated: 08/14/2024 | Page Views: 24
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My name is Marina, I'm 15 years old, I'm looking for a job as a nanny. I can work from Sunday to Friday. I can easily find a common language with children. It is advisable that the place of work be in Brooklyn

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Male 43 years old. Legal status. Looking for a job caring for the elderly, unfortunately no experience. By profession I am a male hairdresser with over 20 years of experience. +77761698827 WhatsApp. I am in Kazakhstan

Looking for a job as a nanny, babysitter and housekeeper in Brooklyn (Midwood).

The ideal option is with accommodation, but I will also consider without. I speak Polish, Russian and Ukrainian fluently. English is at a basic level. I have experience working with children and the elderly. I am responsible, caring and attentive to detail. I also have an 8-year-old daughter who can be a great company for your child. There is a resume for more detailed information. I will be happy to discuss any offers!