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US citizen, work in caring for the elderly, cash, has experience. (347) 481-6868

Date Added: 05/22/2024 | Last Updated: 05/22/2024 | Page Views: 17
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Lucky debut of HHA/PCA in mastering the profession

We invite all aspiring healthcare professionals, as well as those who have received their first certificates and practical work experience. Experience the difference where we are united in one purpose - to provide genuine, life-giving care to as many people as possible - on their own terms, in their own homes. And it starts with compassionate caregivers like YOU! By joining our team, you will feel valued, recognized and rewarded for your comforting, life-affirming care that comes straight from your heart! Our promise to our clients is to provide complete support for a more fulfilling life and boost their confidence knowing they have a caregiver like you by their side. To encourage new caregivers on the path to obtaining a CNA license and U.S. citizenship, senior care business owners are offering a discounted training program and advance the naturalization application fee for those who have worked for at least a year. If seeking a position, please review the requirements for guardians and application rules. View answers to frequently asked questions. These messages are pinned to the top of the screen. Contact us if you have qualifications and agree to pay for registration, more information on the telegram channel


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