Remote work in your free time. Requirements: Must have Internet access via computer or telephone. Men/women, couples, students. No experience required, we teach everything. Knowledge of the language is not required. Conditions: Stable salary 1-2 times a week. Award for the best employees. You can work from anywhere in the world. Salary: $40/hour. Overtime 60$/hour. $5000-10000 per month. We are always glad to see responsible, hardworking, purposeful people in our friendly team. For more information, write to telegram: @job_cashing
Looking for live-in nanny in Livingston, New Jersey
Looking for a live-in nanny in Livingston, New Jersey Parents working from home will take care of one of their two children while the nanny takes care of the other. Children: boy 2 years old and girl 2 months old. A private room with bath is provided. Good Russian is a must, English is a big plus, $150 per day, 6 days. 973-886-1255
Urgently needed assistant teacher in a kindergarten in Brooklyn
Need a Teacher Assistant in a kindergarten in Brooklyn, Bay Ridge area, near the 86th street stop. Full time Monday to Friday. English is required! Experience working with children is desirable. We can take a student. Call 9294064455 Anna