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Hello. I have a proposal for you. In Chisinau and throughout Moldova I am involved in caring for the graves of relatives of people who have left forever. In our cemeteries there are a lot of abandoned graves for various reasons and they are destroyed over time and without care. If you have graves that are dear to you and you would like to they are under their supervision, and you are not able to come for various reasons, then I can do it for you and go wherever you need. Please respond. This includes cutting all the thickets, cleaning around, applying water and washing the monument, and then everything is photographed. And it’s not expensive. If necessary, minor repairs can be made and the monument will be preserved and cared for. Thank you. my email: [email protected]

Date Added: 01/14/2024 | Last Updated: 01/14/2024 | Page Views: 30
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