#Maryland (Salisbury) a family of 2 people requires a housekeeper up to 50 years old from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan with accommodation for 6 days - 4000 dollars (payment on check) Call +12015520881
Staten Island. Required housekeeper/nanny for 5-6 days a week. Housekeeping and childcare as needed. Preferably a woman living in Staten Island. (347)217-6010
Brooklyn needs a housekeeper up to 54 years old from Ukraine, Moldova. With accommodation for 6 days - 140-150 dollars per day. Be able to clean, cook well. Call +12015520881
A woman is required to care for a disabled person 12 hours a day
A woman is needed to replace a paralyzed disabled man who can only move in a wheelchair with outside help. The person is conscious, communicates very actively with people, and is not a homebody. Required for three day shifts and one night shift, 12 hour shifts. All issues are decided by the disabled person himself. Call him at +1 (347) 866-9035