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JobsJob vacanciesChildcare & babysitting

Live-in Nanny in Brooklyn, Milbayson

Brooklyn Milbaison Neighborhood Need a nanny for a newborn baby. Schedule 5-6 days a week, hours are discussed during interview. Payment $15 per hour in cash.

Live-in Nanny in Brooklyn

Brooklyn Between Avenue O and Avenue R Live-in nanny needed for English speaking family. Schedule 5 days a week, 8am to 4pm. Pay $15 per hour cash. Must speak English

Live-out Nanny in Queens

Queens, Fresh Meadows Oakland Garden, House Hills Live-in nanny needed for 8 month old. Permanent job, 5 days a week. From 9am to 7pm. Pay $150 per day.

!!!! Nannies needed!!!!!!

\We are looking for a housekeeper in Philadelphia with accommodation for 6 days $900\woman 38-58 years old, good Russian, recommendations, cook. Separate room!\347-636-7958/ /A family in Manhattan is looking for a woman to clean and cook for 5 days (Tuesday through Saturday), from 11 to 8, $900 per week\ we need a woman 40 to 60 years old, pure Russian speech, cook!\347-636-7958/ \We are looking for a housekeeper in New Jersey with accommodation for 6 days $900\woman 30-50 years old, good Russian, cook. Separate room!\347-636-7958/ \We are looking for a nanny for a child of 1 year in Brooklyn with accommodation for 6 days $900\woman 40-60 years old, good Russian, cook. Separate room!\347-636-7958/ \Looking for a nanny for a 2-year-old child in New Jersey (40 min from Manhattan) with 6 days of accommodation $900\woman 20-55 years old, good Russian, can cook. Separate room!\347-636-7958/ \Looking for a nanny for a 2-month-old child in New Jersey (40 min from Manhattan) with 6 days of accommodation $950\woman 40-50 years old, good Russian, can cook. Separate room!\347-636-7958/ \Looking for a nanny for children 8 and 14 years old (children are away all day) in Brooklyn with 5 days of accommodation $700\woman 45-60 years old, pure Russian, can cook. Separate room!\347-636-7958/ \Looking for a nanny for a 2-year-old child in Long Island (40 min from Manhattan) with accommodation for 5 or 6 days $700-800 per week\woman 40-55 years old, good Russian, cook. Separate room!\347-636-7958/

Babysitting in Brooklyn

Brooklyn, Ocean Parkway Need a nanny for an 8 month old baby. Work 5 days a week, from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm. Pay will be discussed during the interview, depending on your experience.

A visiting caregiver in Manhattan

Manhattan Upper West Side Need 1 person (male or female) to come in to bathe, shave and change a bedridden grandpa. Permanent job, 7 days a week, 1 hour a day. Preferably from 9am to 10am, or earlier. Pay $50 per hour in cash. Preferably with experience, but if without, we will teach you everything, the main thing is to have the desire.

Live-in Nanny in Queens (Forrest Hills)

Family looking for a nanny for a 2 year old child. Live-in job, 6 days a week. Help around the house in free time. Payment $900 per week in cash.

Live-in Nanny in Brooklyn (Manhattan Beach)

Family looking for a nanny for a 2 year old child. Live-in job, 6 days a week. You will be provided with a separate bedroom with all amenities. You must be able to cook home-cooked meals. Starting salary is $850 per week.

Live-in Housekeeper in Long Island

A large friendly family is looking for a housekeeper. Live-in job, 6 days a week. You will be provided with a separate bedroom with all amenities. You must have spoken English. Payment $900 per week in cash.

Live-in Nanny in Long Island

Family looking for a live-in nanny, 3 year old girl. Work 5-6 days a week at your choice. You will be provided with a separate bedroom. Payment $900 per week in cash. Driving skills will be an advantage. Please apply only to non-smoking women.

Live-in Nanny in Queens

Queens, Main Street A large friendly family is looking for a helper for their mother. Help with the children and around the house, with the ability to cook home-cooked food. You are provided with a separate bedroom with all amenities. Work 6 days a week. If you have experience, payment is $1200, if without experience, then $1000 in CASH.

Live-in Nanny in Manhattan

Manhattan Upper East Side Live-in nanny needed for 3 school children. Must speak English well, have clear, literate Russian, have experience in the US, and citizenship or a green card to travel abroad with the family. Work 5-6 days a week. Pay $275 per day.

Babysitting in Brooklyn (Bensonhurst)

Need a nanny for a 2 year old girl. Schedule: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from 9am to 5pm. Pay is discussed during the interview. You only need to look after the child.

Babysitting in Queens (Rego Park)

Need a nanny for an 8 month old baby. Work schedule: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 9am to 7pm. Pay $16-$17, to be discussed during interview. You must speak either English or Hebrew.

Babysitting in Staten Island

Family looking for a babysitter for a 10 month old. Schedule 3 days a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Hours are discussed during interview. Pay $20 per hour cash. Works only with the child.

Queens live in nanny

#Queens needs a nanny 35-62 years old for a newborn with accommodation for 5 days - $150 per day. There are no more children in the family. Experience of working in a family in America and recommendations are needed. Call +12015520881

Queens looking for a nanny

#Queens, for a 1 month old baby, a nanny 40-60 years old, 5 days with accommodation, $140 per day. Good Russian is needed. And experience with babies. Call +12015520881



Home attendant required

Women with HHA license needed to care for elderly woman. Work in Brooklyn from office for 12 hours. Phone 346-866-3731. Call after 6 pm.

Nanny for two boys

Nanny needed for two boys to take to school then pick them up from school and sit with them until their parents arrive in Staten Island
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