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→ Childcare & babysitting (844)

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JobsJob vacanciesChildcare & babysitting

Hiring Advisor

An employment and education consultant will open the eyes of those with documents and language skills on how to find a well-paying position and how to be in demand on the labor market. Details on the channel

Working behind the Bar for CASH

Girls and boys, men and women in the new "Manhattan Lounge". To work behind the bar, we assemble an energetic team of 15 people. Pay cash, $150 per shift plus tips and commissions. No experience required, we train. Call now

Nannies needed

We are looking for a nanny for a 1 year old child in NJ with 6 days' accommodation $800\woman 40-60 years old, good Russian, experience!Department, room/ We are looking for a nanny for a 3 year old child Long Island (30 min from Manhattan) with 6 days accommodation $850\woman from 25-40 years old, spoken English .Separate room! \We are looking for a nanny for children 13 years old and 15 years old in Manhattan with accommodation for 5 days $1000 (by check)\woman 30-50 years old, good English, work permit, cook. Separate room\ \Looking for a nanny for a child 1 year old Jersey City 6 days $900 with accommodation\woman 45- 60 years old, pure Russian speech, cooking, experience! Separate room! 347-636-7958


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