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Children's Club Miracle

Children's Club Miracle We invite children aged 2 to 7 years to the new children's early development club, which is located in the center of Midwood, Brooklyn. In a playful and accessible form for children, we conduct group complex classes that include the development of all five basic senses; development of speech, memory, hearing and voice; development of smell, touch (through the development of fine motor skills). We also develop logical and subsequently algorithmic thinking in children, mastering the skills of counting objects, grouping objects, etc. The lesson includes elements of the so-called socialization of the child: acquaintance with the surrounding world, nature, hometown, holidays and, naturally, all this is reflected in collective and individual projects, without which not a single lesson takes place. In our work we use all modern methods and techniques for working with children, and also develop all the sensory and even extrasensory abilities of your children. Classes are conducted in Russian and English. Individual approach to each child (child psychologist works). For more information, call 917-754-1172

Date Added: 11/28/2023 | Last Updated: 12/23/2023 | Page Views: 25
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I see there are reviews about Catalina, I also had the experience of contacting her. I want to say a huge thank you to Catalina. My husband went to see another woman. I was shocked, I didn’t even suspect anything. Everything was fine with us. Suddenly my husband became like the plague. Scandals at home. He didn’t even notice his child. There is nothing to say about me. Just like strangers. So I turned to Catalina. She performed rituals with him (so he didn’t know, from the photo) and with me. She made it so that my husband stopped walking on the left and spends all his free time with us. And so somehow everything bad began to go away. It’s like it was a bad dream. Now we are a friendly family. I’m happy!!! I express my gratitude to Catalina, she really helped me a lot! I recommend it!!! Viber +380997482235 Viber/Whatsapp

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Реальна допомога. Повернення коханих. Зняття негативу.

Часом у житті відбувається низка нещасть, які відбирають бажання та сили рухатися вперед. Я була в такому стані і мені була потрібна допомога. Так, людину до якої можна було звернутися і вирішити мою проблему, я шукала і за відгуками, і знайомих розпитувала. Мені порадили Андрія. Він допоміг колегі по роботі повернути до сім'ї чоловіка, коли той пішов до коханки. Та й ворожить чудово. Я не пошкодувала, що звернулася до нього. Справжній Майстер та людина з Даром. У моїй ситуації необхідно було виливати на воску, робити енергетичне чищення та ставити захист. Головне, що роботи дали результат. Андрій мені дуже допоміг, звертайтесь, гадаю, допоможе +380932169225

fortune teller

My husband went on a spree, took a mistress, this continued over the past years. He himself admitted to me that he was drawn to her and he couldn’t live without her, but he couldn’t do anything and he couldn’t do anything without us either. I was getting ready to leave my family, and we have 2 children!!! It was a shock for me, I didn’t know what to do. My head was constantly spinning where he disappeared after the holidays every time, and where he stayed after work..... It's a shame! It hurts! But... I was under no circumstances going to give it to her. I turned to Linochka, I immediately liked her - when she started talking about past and present. We started working. Linochka was there all the time, always answered the call, told me what to do and how to do it. A week later, my husband changed before our eyes. Now everything is fine with us. Thank you very much to Linochka, I am very grateful for her help and her gift. I recommend her as a person who actually has God’s gift! Her phone number is +380997482235 Whats app/Viber.


ДІЙСНО ХТО МЕНІ ДОПОМОГ-ТАК ЦЕ ОРИСЯ! МАГІЯ ЇЇ НАЙСИЛЬНІША. Мої емоції переповнюють мене. ОРІСЯ бачить майбутнє, минуле та може допомагати у сімейних справах. МІЙ УЛЮБЛЕНА ЛЮДИНА ВИРІШИЛА КИНУТИ МЕНЕ. Що я тільки не робила. Намагалася повернути його, помиритись. Але він узяв і пішов, при цьому почав з кимось спілкуватися. Я ВИРІШИЛА ПІТИ ДО ВОРОЖКИ. Хтось не міг допомогти. Деякі ворожки братися не хотіли за мене, одні бралися, але не могли допомогти. Я втрачала надію. АЛЕ ГОРИСЬ ЦЕ ЄДИНА ЛЮДИНА ЯКИЙ СМОГ!!! ВОНА ЗМОГЛА відновити наші стосунки, почав дзвонити і потім повернувся в той же термін, який вона і сказала. ВЕЛИЧЕЗНИЙ ДЯКУЮ , РАДИТИму ЛИШЕ ЇЇ. Пишу її вайбер і ватсап (звичайного номера немає в неї, тільки так додзвонюйтесь або пишіть їй, вона завжди відповідає +38 093 007 14 93