Need to hire a cleaning lady to clean my place 4 hours a day, 4 days a week. Pay cash. Need someone to start work as soon as possible. Call or text @917-292-1421.
In connection with the expansion, the cleaning agency is inviting girls (5-6 people) with experience in cleaning and speaking English to work full-time and part-time. Manhattan job, pays $20/hour plus types plus facility costs. Salaries are paid 2 times a month - on the 1st and 15th (cash, zelle, check). For a week of work it comes out to approximately $1000. You can work on weekends - Saturday and Sunday. At the end of the week, you make your own work schedule for the next week, taking into account your employment (study, part-time work, etc.). Please send a message - how old you are, where you came from, level of English and experience in cleaning (not necessarily in the USA). We will contact you immediately and within 1-2 days we will conduct an interview and apply for a job. Best regards, Alena
Long Island Family is looking for a young housekeeper who can prepare home-cooked meals. Work with accommodation for 6 days $900, cash. Separate bedroom. Call/write: +1(347) 257 5717
November 1, 21 West End Avenue Volume: assemble a bed, a desk, a kitchen table, two or three chairs, maybe some small stuff. It is possible to help bring boxes with disassembled furniture to the apartment. Payment can be negotiated, write your offers in Telegram @ValerySol or WhatsApp 89611065930. The furniture will come from Amazon, everything needs to be assembled in one day. Responsible approach, punctuality, your own tool, necessary experience