We offer you remote work in your free time. Flexible work schedule from anywhere in the world. It doesn't matter whether you have experience or not, we will teach you everything you need. Active and sociable people with basic computer knowledge are needed. Work schedule 2-3 hours a day. Payment every day. You can earn $5,000-10,000 per month, or even more! For more information, write to Telegram: @job_cashing
a cleaning agency is looking for girls for cleaning in BROOKLYN, pay $20 per hour plus tips ---- full-time work can be done on CACHE, or PARTY-TIME, the main thing is that experience in cleaning or house cleaning is also welcome, basic English is suitable level, please write a message to the number +13322889936 Alena, we will definitely answer everyone, thank you, with best regards, Alena
Full time and part time cleaner for apartment cleaning in Manhattan
We invite cleaners for full and part-time work in Manhattan, cleaning apartments of Americans, good tips, flexible schedule. Salary $ 20 per hour plus payment of expenses for products plus tips. Write SMS - I am looking for a job cleaning - I will definitely call you back, with respect, Alena