Woman 45 years old, from Ukraine, legal status, experience as a nanny and a housekeeper - 2 years, basic English, higher education, work experience will bring up in Ukraine - 10 years, cooks well, cleans. Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island. Will consider offers of nanny and housekeeper! With or without accommodation! \\ T. 347-636-7958\\
Looking for an energetic, live-in housekeeper with English and a driver's license (vehicle will be provided) for a busy household in central New Jersey. This position is Monday through Friday with occasional weekends. Please call 908-256-4224.
A 45-year-old woman is looking for a job as a housekeeper.
Woman, 45 years old, Russian-speaking, has some everyday English, 3 years of experience working with families in America, has recommendations, cooks well, cleans cleanly, irons professionally. +12015520881