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I will do high-quality and fast cleaning of any room

Date Added: 06/10/2024 | Last Updated: 06/10/2024 | Page Views: 14
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My name is Olga. I will put your apartment or house in order efficiently and accurately. I perform maintenance and general cleaning. I’m also organizing space “decluttering.” I will be happy to organize your home, bring comfort and air into cabinets and shelves!

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I offer cleaning services for apartments, houses and offices. Fast and high quality! Detergents are available with you. Price is negotiable.

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Decent, recommendations, experience, documents, work on housekeeping, cleaning, cooking, for cash. (718) 687-7575

Your cleanliness is our concern!

Cleaning after renovations and commercial premises is our specialty!
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Надаю послуги клінінгу.

Надаю якісні послуги клінінгу у м. Бруклін та Манхеттен. Досвід є. Кохання.