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→ Cleaning & housekeeping  (440)

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JobsJob vacanciesCleaning & housekeeping

Cleaning, housework

Queens, female, cleaning job. (917) 406-6448

Cleaning Lady-Need to hire today!!

Looking for someone to clean my place 5 days a week. Pay is $15 an hour. Pay cash. Call or text 347-283-6016.

Cleaning Lady-Need to hire today!!

Looking for a cleaning lady to clean my place 5 days a week. Pay is $15 per hour. Pay cash. Call or text 347-283-2942.

Cleaning Lady-Start job today!!

Looking for someone to clean my place 5 days a week. Pay is $15 per hour. Pay cash. Call or text 917-292-1421.

Cleaning Lady-Need to hire today!!

Need someone to clean my place 5 days a week. Pay is $15 an hour. Pay cash. Call or text 929-928-6024.

Cleaning Lady!!

Looking for someone to clean my place 5 days a week. Pay is $15 an hour. Pay cash. Looking to hire someone as soon as tomorrow. Call or text 347-283 -6016.

Cleaning Lady!!

Looking for someone to clean my place 5 days a week. Pay is $15 an hour. Pay cash. Looking to hire someone as soon as tomorrow. Call or text 347-283 -6016.

Cleaning Lady!!

Looking for someone to clean my place 5 days a week. Pay is $15 an hour. Pay cash. Looking to hire someone as soon as tomorrow. Call or text 347-283 -6016.

Cleaning Lady!!

Looking for someone to clean my place 5 days a week. Pay is $15 an hour. Pay cash. Looking to hire someone as soon as tomorrow. Call or text 347-283 -6016.

Cleaning Lady!!

Looking for someone to clean my place 5 days a week. Pay is $15 an hour. Pay cash. Looking to hire someone as soon as tomorrow. Call or text 347-283 -6016.

Cleaning Lady Needed!!

Looking to hire a cleaning lady as soon as tomorrow. Need someone to clean my place 5 days a week. Pay is $15 an hour. Pay cash. Call or text 347-283-5942.

I'm doing the cleaning.

I'm cleaning, write to number 9296977492

Cleaning Lady Needed!!

Looking for a cleaning lady to clean my place 5 days a week. Pay cash. Need to hire someone as soon as tomorrow. Call or text 347-283-5942.

Cleaning, housework

Queens, woman, apartment cleaning job, inexpensive. (347) 601-1976

Cleaning, housework

Woman cleaning an apartment. (347) 596-3203

Cleaning, housework

Apartment cleaning work, for cash. (646) 651-8711

Cleaning, housework

Woman cleaning the apartment. (646) 302-4157

Cleaning, housework

Apartment cleaning assistant, no bad habits, work for living, electric bicycles. (347) 772-0508

Cleaning Lady Needed!!

Looking for someone to clean my place 5 days a week. Pay cash. Need to have someone start work if available as soon a tomorrow. Call or text 917 292 1421.

Cleaning, housework

Queens, woman, apartment cleaning job, inexpensive. (646) 266-4242
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