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JobsLooking for a jobCleaning & housekeeping

Cleaning, work at home

Cleaning and cooking work. (929) 823-4989

Handyman of all trades! I will help with any work

Hello! My name is Misha, I am a professional handyman with many years of experience. Ready to take on any work around the house or office: - Minor repairs and installation of household appliances - Assembling and disassembling furniture - Electrical and plumbing - Repairing and painting walls - Installing shelves, cornices, lamps - Any other household tasks

Cleaning, work at home

Sheepshead Bay, recommendations, childcare work, no accommodation. (445) 248-4444

I'll clean the house

Hello. I have experience with American families, I charge $20 per hour, I will come to any location as long as it is no longer than an hour’s drive from Manhattan.

woman looking for a job

Woman looking for a job
cleaning of apartments and private houses
7 days a week
Brooklyn, Manhattan
(347) 554-4291


Cleaning, work at home

Legal, neat woman doing cleaning work. (917) 499-1483

Cleaning, work at home

Cleaning work. (917) 838-3411

Cleaning, work at home

Experience, English, legal, cleaning work. (646) 573-9187

Cleaning, work at home

Brooklyn, recommendations, cleaning work. (445) 248-4444

Cleaning, work at home

Work on preparing dishes of Russian, Uzbek, Tatar cuisine, at your home. (917) 495-9729

Cleaning, work at home

Cleaning work, I have experience. (929) 736-7920

Cleaning, work at home

Cleaning work. (646) 956-0716

Cleaning, work at home

Two people will do the cleaning professionally and quickly, $200 for 5 hours. (347) 772-0508

Cleaning, work at home

Cleaning work, housekeeper. (929) 301-6591

Cleaning, work at home

Cleaning work. (917) 495-9729

Looking for a job!

Cleaning on Fridays - space is freed up, there are recommendations. Only Manhattan! Cleaning on Friday. Manhattan only! Please send massage


Qualitatively. ----- Professional Cleaning Services in Brooklyn/Manhattan



looking for a job

I'm looking for a cleaning job, waiting for SSN documents and a work permit, 8 years of work experience in Sweden, 3476629716 Lena. Geolocation Brooklyn 11229. I will consider any work options.


I will do high-quality and fast cleaning of any room
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