Looking for a cleaning lady to clean my place 4 hour a day 4 days a week. Pay cash daily. Need someone to start work the next day. Call or text 917 292 1421.
Date Added: 10/08/2024 |
Last Updated: 10/08/2024 |
Page Views: 22
Girls and women of Asian appearance to clean apartments. -26-43 years old -English spoken -Experience in cleaning apartments or hotel rooms We work in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens. 20/H+Tips, your schedule.
Looking to hire a cleaning to clean my place 4 days a week for 4 hours a day. Need someone to start work right as soon as possible. Please call or text @ 718-749-3909.
Looking for someone to clean my place for 4 days a week for 4 hours a day. Need someone to start as soon as possible. Please contact Diane at 347-283-6016 for an interview or leave a text message.
In connection with the expansion, the cleaning agency is inviting girls (5-6 people) with experience in cleaning and speaking English to work full-time and part-time. Manhattan job, pays $20/hour plus types plus facility costs. Salaries are paid 2 times a month - on the 1st and 15th (cash, zelle, check). For a week of work it comes out to approximately $1000. You can work on weekends - Saturday and Sunday. At the end of the week, you make your own work schedule for the next week, taking into account your employment (study, part-time work, etc.). Please send a message - how old you are, where you came from, level of English and experience in cleaning (not necessarily in the USA). We will contact you immediately and within 1-2 days we will conduct an interview and apply for a job. Best regards, Alena