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Drawing lessons

Hi all! My name is Lena! I give drawing lessons in different techniques and different tools. I explain the basics of the structure of objects, composition, perspective, and also tell the history of art, depending on the topic of the lesson. I welcome you regardless of your level and knowledge. Everyone can draw, even if you have never held a brush or pencil in your hand. If you really want to try it, but you are shy, don't worry, we always have a friendly atmosphere, and I will make sure that you are surprised by your inner artist. Classes are held: Every Saturday - from 12.30 to 14.00, at the address: 1399 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10029, Le Pain Quotidien restaurant. Every Wednesday - from 18.30 to 20.00, at the address: 4408 10 Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11219. The number of places is limited, we gather in small groups. Join the whatsapp group: Or my instagram: To follow the announcements about the upcoming class. I also conduct individual classes (including online), master classes at events. For all questions, write or call.

Date Added: 08/25/2022 | Last Updated: 08/25/2022 | Page Views: 59
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