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Driver required

We are looking for a driver for a 19 year old Sprinter. Work in 48 states. All documents are required, basic English, clean license. All details by email [email protected] Desire to earn, cleanliness, Experience is welcome but necessary for a worthy applicant.

Date Added: 12/03/2024 | Last Updated: 12/04/2024 | Page Views: 2
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Driver required with his own 8-seater passenger van

Driver required
with its 8-seater
by passenger vessel

for transporting 6 people to school.
Work in the morning and evening and on Friday at 1 p.m. Social security, fingerprints and driver's license for criminal background check are required. TLC numbers are not required. Payment once a week by check.


Mass recruitment of dispatchers

We represent the interests of a logistics company and recruit freight sellers to work with accommodation in the company’s offices located in different locations. Base rate is $50k per year plus commission. Make calls to build relationships and build your business from the ground up. Sell and close new and existing clients. Negotiate prices with shippers and carriers. Manage daily shipments by resolving issues to ensure on-time delivery and pickup 24/7/365.


Trading company invites
No CDL required. Legal status.
Full time job. Full employment.
55-60 hours. Bet – $18/h, overtime – $27/h
(917) 376-5675
Please send your resume to:
[email protected]


An office worker with experience as a dispatcher is required

An office worker with experience as a dispatcher in truck transportation is required. Knowledge of Russian and English. Salary from 1500/week + percentage. Send a text message to +13464605077 or your resume to [email protected]


Prime Meridian Moving Jest profesjonalna, licencjonowana iw pelni ubezpieczona firma przeprowadzkowa. Przystepne uczciwe ceny, zadna praca nie jest dla nas za duza ani za mala. Na terenie miasta New York i wszystkich Stanow USA. Oferujemy rowniez storage oraz przewozimy rzeczy do Polski. Prime Meridian Moving to Polska firma konkurujaca z najlepszymi na rynku, niskie ceny dla uzytkownikow Bazarynki. Dzwoncie do Przemka, pomaga Polonii (i nie tylko juz od paru lat) www.primemeridianmov