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Total found (478)
→ Drivers & transportation (478)

Childcare & babysitting (985)
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Laundromats & Factories (76)
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Other specialists wanted (1539)
JobsJob vacanciesDrivers & transportation

Working on a yellow taxi

Looking for a replacement to work on YELLOW CAB TOYOTA RAW
(917) 406-7035
leave text or voice


Driver required for box truck

Driver required for box truck
Stable income
$1,300-1,700 per week
CDL not required
(646) 479-9030 Taras


Job opening - driver in Pennsylvania (Philadelphia area)

A logistics company is looking for responsible and reliable drivers for permanent work with their own car (or a car for rent) for the delivery of medicines in the state of Pennsylvania! If you are looking for an opportunity to work an important matter and receive excellent compensation, this offer is for you. Responsibilities: • Delivery of medicines according to the route • Timely delivery • Polite customer service • Maintaining cleanliness and order in the vehicle Requirements: • Responsible attitude to work • Sociability and friendliness • Willingness to work on a flexible schedule • Basic level of English • Availability of a corporation such as LLC / S / C-corporation Payment $ 170-200 per route on check 1099 If you are ready to join our team and do an important matter, contact us! +14232167777 Maria


Payment$-70/30% Driver for sprinter All over America +1 (347) 993-3940

We are looking for drivers for RAM 3500. Experience with Car Hauling is a must!

Driver needed! No CDL required. No matter where you are. New equipment, good conditions! Details by phone or e-mail: Tel.: 773-318-2912 E-mail: [email protected]

Urgently needed cable technicians (Internet installation)

Urgently needed cable technicians (Internet installation), Work experience is not required, with experience in America a bonus is possible, we train everything, there is career growth up to supervisor.

TLC Drivers Wanted

TLC drivers are needed to drive the company's official vehicle, full-time.

At a busy Car Service in the Bensonhurst area

At a busy Car Service in the Bensonhurst area
drivers needed
with TLC License for company cars
Flexible schedule possible during the day and evening
or night shift (full-time or part-time)
Payment in cash
(917) 903-1989


Driver required for closed double

NO CDL DRIVING LICENSE REQUIRED! A REGULAR DRIVING LICENSE IS ENOUGH! Ideal Candidate: Single, willing to earn money and do whatever it takes No family drama Healthy and non-smoker Willing to have a short haircut and slim (able to climb short stairs/walk through narrow spaces in an enclosed trailer) Excellent with maps and geolocation Excellent at communicating on the phone Balanced personality type (not prone to getting hot-headed or easily irritated) Being on the road is not easy: driving about 4-5 thousand miles weekly, dealing with traffic, weather conditions, equipment, cargo, clients, sometimes all at once! Contacts: +1 513 657 2454 Telegram: @mngr11

Professional Truck Dispatcher Wanted

Professional Truck Dispatcher Wanted

We are inviting owner operators and CDL drivers

We are inviting owner operators and CDL drivers

We are inviting owner operators and CDL drivers

We are inviting owner operators and CDL drivers - Mobile detailing and interior cleaning of commercial trucks in NY/NJ/PA

Why choose us: Mobile service - Professionalism - Comprehensive approach - Quality guaranteed ||| ||| Our services: - Deep interior cleaning - Polishing and protection - Leather and fabric care ||| ||| Benefits of working with us: - Time saving - High quality standard - Personalized service The cost of a full range of services (2 hours) is $300. Book your dry cleaning now by calling +1 (347) 676-0665 or ask your questions by email at [email protected]

CDL driver local needed

A driver with experience is needed for permanent work 5 days a week from Monday to Friday (Saturday, Sunday is a day off). Mandatory requirements: TWIC Card, CDL license, work in ports in New Jersey - Apm, Pnct, Maher. Without TWIC card and CDL, please do not call.




with regular driver's license
full-time rights
RIGHT TO WORK and knowledge of English is MANDATORY
(718) 208-7979


Brooklyn • Working on the street

Brooklyn • Street Work
Drivers needed
for evening parking
A work permit is required,
American Driver's License
Payment by check


Drivers, forwarders, dispatchers

Driver with BP class, working for a bus company. (347) 386-6178

To an ambulance company in Brooklyn

To the ambulance company in Brooklyn
DRIVER required



Long distance driver needed. No CDL needed, car has a sleeper. Payment is on time and without cheating.
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