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JobsJob vacanciesEducation & training

Hiring Advisor

An employment and education consultant will open the eyes of those interested with documents and language on how to find a well-paying position and how to be in demand on the labor market. Details on the channel

Sheepshead Bay Nursery

Sheepshead Bay Nursery
looking for a teacher with education,
loving his job
and teacher's assistant

(917) 574-3238 Alina


Education, sports

Work as a music tutor for children 3 and 4 years old. (917) 696-7008

Kindergarten assistant needed

To the kindergarten on Neptune Avenue
An experienced and responsible assistant is required.
Tel: 718-513-3600


Financial District, Manhattan

Financial District, Manhattan
Kindergarten is looking for a teacher and
assistant teacher,
with knowledge of English
(646) 752-2858 Fedor


Brooklyn, Midwood

Brooklyn, Midwood
Kindergarten required
certified teacher
Early childhood
teacher with a certificate for children under 5 years old
917-604-9999 or text


Education, sports

Work as a teacher's assistant in a kindergarten. (718) 502-3512

Education, sports

A teacher with the right to work, a diploma, work in a full-time kindergarten, payment by check. (917) 407-6060

Modern kindergarten

Modern kindergarten
15 Bridge Park Dr, Brooklyn, NY 11201
full-time with work experience
with children from 1 to 3 years old
Salary from $20 to 22 per hour
(917) 753-6577

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