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→ Education & training (132)

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JobsLooking for a jobEducation & training

Education, sports

A professional instructor, extensive experience, license, will prepare you for passing the road test with the provision of a car. (718) 791-1123

Education, sports

Experience working as a math tutor for college students. (347) 598-7855

Education, sports

A professional pianist gives music lessons and accompanies vocalists and instrumentalists. (917) 399-4638.

Education, sports

Teacher, Russian, I conduct educational classes with children from 2 years old, experience, work. (347) 701-7746

Education, sports

An experienced, highly qualified teacher gives English lessons at all levels, prepares for SAT, TOEFL. (917) 361-1225

Piano teacher

Piano teacher. The work experience is great. Education Conservatory.

Trainer for various categories

Looking for a job: worked as a fitness trainer, survival instructor. Shooting instructor. And a weapons repair specialist.

Looking for a job ❗❗❗

I'm looking for a job! I will consider any proposals, I am ready to learn new things, in hand: SSN, work authorization, OSHA 40, driver license permit. Phone number +13476999089.

Education, sports

I will teach a child to knit for animals or dolls, I have a pedagogical education, Russian. (347) 701-7746

Education, sports

Master Degree teaches piano playing, develops absolute ear for music, and prepares students for admission to any level. (347) 462-9348

Education, sports

I will prepare the child for school grades 1-2. (934) 216-2450


Fitness Trainer can train from losing weight to gaining muscle mass. I teach you how to train, eat, teach you how to defend yourself, and how to wield firearms. Contact us any time. [email protected]
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