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FedEx Delivery Drivers NeededFedEx Delivery Drivers Needed

OPEN VACANCIES “Delivery Drivers”:
FedEx Ground Routes in Brooklyn

Apply TODAY!!!

FedEx Ground Canarsie Terminal

Address: 570 E 108th St, Brooklyn, New York 11236


One of the largest FedEx ground contractors in New York.

No CDL required
Full and part-time employment possible
work 7 days a week
Flexible work schedule

It's physically hard work
and salary depends on results

The better your work, the higher your pay.

The base wage is $20 per hour.
But after adding the performance bonus
Drivers can earn between $160 and $300 per day



You must be 21 years of age or older to apply.
Opportunity to legally work in the USA
At least 1 year of verifiable commercial driving experience
experience over the last 3 years

Experience operating a box truck (minimum 14 feet), straight truck, or box truck
Physical fitness (ability to lift at least 75 pounds)
Able to pass a physical and drug test, including marijuana.
Must have a valid driver's license for at least 1 year.
Must have a clean New York State driving record.
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut driver's licenses are accepted.

Call, SMS or email us today:
Tim 917-426-4294
[email protected]

Date Added: 12/05/2024 | Last Updated: 12/06/2024 | Page Views: 46
Average rating: 0.00 (out of 5)
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Requirements: CDL, class A, 2 years of experience,
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Join our team - CDL drivers needed!
- New trucks 2022/23/24/25 (Volvo 860, Peterbilt 579)
- Work solo or in a team
- 60 cents solo and 3500 miles per week
- 70 cents per team and 6000+ miles per week
- Experience from 18 months
- Miami Gardens base
- 24/7 support
- Bonuses for excellent work

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