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Finishing work

I do painting work. (347) 977-4955

Date Added: 06/12/2024 | Last Updated: 06/12/2024 | Page Views: 10
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renovation of apartments and houses

We carry out professional repair and construction work: tiles, sheetrock, painting, and other types of work. qualitatively. free estimate.

MASTER UNIVERSAL - TILE maker with more than 20 years of experience, price list below

Visit and assessment of the property is free. We provide high quality services in a short time. Bathroom modernization: 1. removal of old tiles and plaster from $5/sq ft 2. electrical work - price negotiable 3. garbage removal for an additional fee 4. installation of profiles, insulation and wall covering from $7/sq ft 5. transfer of hot and cold pipes water, drain replacement (plumbing work) from $700 6. pouring a shower from $500 7. treating walls and shower, waterproofing from $3/sq ft 8. installing tiles: walls from $9/sq ft, ceiling from $12/sq ft, flooring from $9/sq ft (grouting is included in the price) 9. installation of light plumbing - negotiable price Modernization of the kitchen: 1. Leveling, preparation of floors and walls from $10/sq ft 2. Replacement of drywall, putty, painting - negotiable price 3. Carpenter services , replacement of doors, window frames, installation of baseboards, countertops, kitchen cabinets and plumbing fixtures - price is negotiable 4. installation of floor tiles and backsplash - from $10/sq ft (grouting is included in the price)

Laying tiles of any format

Good afternoon My name is Andrew. I provide interior finishing services for apartments, houses, and offices. Extensive experience in the construction industry ✔️working with tiles of any format ✔️working with floor coverings ✔️(parquet, laminate, quartz vinyl) ✔️painting work ✔️wallpaper, photo wallpaper, fresco ✔️decorative coverings ✔️minor repairs ✔️furniture assembly ✔ ️dismantling and installation of household appliances +3476533389

Finishing work

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