My name is Lilia. I have a gift that goes from generation to generation along the female line, not only it is passed on, but also knowledge that in practice improves the ability to help people. Thanks to this, you do not need to wait for the result for years and even your presence is not required, since the photo carries all your energy, everything that we communicate with you remains only between us. In addition, I have many courses and training behind me that helped me develop the ability in tarology. Nowadays, it does not matter what corner of the world you are in! The main thing is that there is a desire to be a successful and happy person. The rites and rituals that I conduct in my work have been tested for centuries, they are beneficial and absolutely harmless to humans. In my work, I use only Orthodox rites, prayers, rituals, as well as white magic. I work in person and remotely. Distance does not play any role. I can diagnose and provide assistance while being on the other side of the world! Call and I will answer all your questions +19297133433 || Viber WhatsApp +380638055486
Date Added: 10/15/2024 |
Last Updated: 10/15/2024 |
Page Views: 37
CHRISTMAS TIME IS HERE! Hello, if you wanna have a beautiful , good quality and lovely photos, please, text me and leave your name and phone back. FAMILY, KIDS, FRIENDS, PARTNERS, PARENTS...everybodys welcome! You can have more than 20 pictures of your beautiful photoshoot for ONLY $100! Location is GRAVESEND, BROOKLYN, closed to Brighton beach. I understand Ukrainian and Russian little. But im not speaking. Book you appointment for photoshoot now!
I have read good reviews about Zakhar many times. I did not dare to contact him, but then I realized that it was in vain. It was like this. In general, I contacted many fortune tellers when my first husband left, with whom I lived for many years - I only spent a lot, but to no avail. I resigned myself. Time passed and I met a very good man, with whom I lived together for a long time. What can I say, he even treated my son like his own. But, as in the case of my first husband, my beloved suddenly left. I fell into despair, but it's good that I found Zakhar, although I had no hope anymore. He really helped me. Despite the fact that he can be very strict and often speaks only on business, he returned my beloved to me. He did everything that was needed. Now my beloved and I have already signed and I gave birth to his daughter. I sometimes contact Zakhar to this day. Here is his number +380954248510 Viber
Hello! I recommend Alexandra to everyone - a strong specialist. When he guesses and makes diagnostics, he sees such things that it takes your breath away. When I turned to him with fortune telling, I wanted to bewitch the guy and was looking for someone who could do it. But Alexander dissuaded me, since in my case it was not necessary. A different approach was required. Essentially, he worked with me on an energetic level. As a result, my chosen one came to me to talk about his feelings, it turns out that he also loved me, but was embarrassed to say so. So I got an excellent solution to the issue that haunted me, and found happiness with the person I love very much. Thank you very much Alexander! I will always be grateful. Alexander's number is +380971792179, both Viber and WhatsApp are available
Every Saturday at 1 pm FREE boxing class at 1912 McDonald Ave. New York State licensed boxing trainer, recruiting a group of ages 7+ (girls and boys). With us, your children will be able to get the necessary training in small groups. If your income is modest, your child still has the opportunity to study with us! We raise boxers using advanced methods! Physical education, self-discipline is cultivated in the character of your child! Address: 1912 McDonald Ave. Brooklyn NY. F train to Kingshiway Station. 1 (347) 654-6318 coach Mike leave a message text messege