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JobsJob vacanciesFurniture & sawing

Woman needed for work

Woman needed for work
Description: Repairing and sewing wigs, adding hair and other assistance as needed.
No experience with wigs is required, we train.
General sewing experience preferred.
9:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Thursday
Friday from 9:30 to 1:30
Neighborhood: Marine Park/ Ave P

347-570-9938 (text messages only)


To the bensonhurst clothing business

To the bensonhurst clothing business
cutters and seamstresses needed
with work experience
for sewing evening and
wedding dresses


A clothing alteration specialist is required.

There is an urgent need for a qualified specialist in alterations of branded clothing in Manhattan. Minimum 4 years of work experience. The pay is decent.

Required for a garment factory in Brooklyn

To a garment factory in Brooklyn
Experienced seamstress needed

payment by agreement
5726 1 Ave., Brooklyn, New York 11220


A seamstress is urgently needed.

Professional dressmakers required for alterations of women's clothing. We are looking for a seamstress (Alterations and custom made dresses) Call: (646)387-1673

Urgently needed professional tailors

Urgently needed professional tailors making women's and men's clothing a permanent job in Manhattan, in a theater company. Payment by check. Good paid. And you want to pattern maker (212) 268-5682 • (212) 268-6230 1176-75
12/24/2016 more
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