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I’ll share how the magician Andrey helped me return my husband to my family. I knew that my friend always used the services of fortune tellers, witches and magicians, but I never attached any importance to it. I myself was not interested in this because there was no reason. But, as they say, life taught me a lesson... Actually, I considered my friend to be my sister and she was allowed into the house for years. But on one ordinary day, she and my husband confronted everyone with the fact that from now on they were a couple and would live together, leaving their families. It is worth saying that my husband is a very wealthy man and could afford to move in one day and communicate only through lawyers. He didn’t communicate with me and my daughter at all, and my friend just laughed in my face and said that she had the right to do what she wanted. Allegedly, my husband will do whatever she says, but I have to come to terms with it. To say that I was shocked is an understatement. My soul was simply torn apart by pain and injustice. It was obvious that the matter was dirty. And I decided to look for someone who could help. For six months I turned to many fortune tellers and magicians, but there was no result, although it seemed like I tried everything. And then, almost in despair, I found Andrey. He is truly clairvoyant and a very powerful magician. Doesn't ask anything when doing diagnostics. Everything is spot on. The difference with others is very noticeable right away. The work went well and my husband was at home twelve days later, sincerely asking for forgiveness. Actually, I advise everyone to contact Andrey so as not to waste time. I'm sure it will help. Andrey’s Viber number is +380932169225 and the same WhatsApp.

Date Added: 02/21/2024 | Last Updated: 02/21/2024 | Page Views: 21
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Sometimes a series of misfortunes occur in life that take away the desire and strength to move forward. I was in such a state and I needed help. So, I looked for a person who I could contact and solve my problem based on reviews and asked friends. The magician Zakhara was recommended to me. He helped a work colleague return her husband to his family when he left for his mistress. And he guesses wonderfully - truly clairvoyant. I did not regret that I contacted him. A true Master and a man with a Gift. In my situation, it was necessary to pour on wax, do energetic cleansing and install protection. The main thing is that the work produced results. Zakhar helped me a lot, contact me, he will also help you Viber and WhatsApp +380954248510


Мій відгук буде про професійного таролога зі стажем, яка бачить минуле, майбутнє і допомагає сім'ям і одиноким. ЛІЛІЯ!!! добре. Діти, будинок, Улюблений чоловік. Але два місяці тому, він вирішив піти від нас. Сказав що все набридло і хоче побути один. Але як виявилося, там КОХАННЯ. ДОПОМОГЮ .ЛИЛИЧКА ЧОЛОНІК ДОБРИЙ І РОЗУМІЮЧИЙ.ЗМОГЛА ПОБАЧИТИ ВІДРАЗУ МОЮ ПРОБЛЕМУ, моє минуле.СКАЗАЛА ЩО ДОМОЖЕ.МИНУЛО ЧАС, ЯК ВОНА І ГОВОРИЛА-ВСЕ ПОЧАТОК. ДОПОМОГЛА МЕНІ ПОВЕРНУТИ ЧОЛОВІКА. Я ДО СИХ ПІДТРИМУЮ З НЕЮ ЗВ'ЯЗОК І РЕКОМЕНДУЮ ВСІМ ЗНАКОМИМ.

Gala concert and awards ceremony

Gala concert and awards ceremony
The first children's vocal radio competition
"Crystal Voice"
Monday 6 May
Doors open at 6pm
Starts at 6pm
2027 Emmos Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235
Ticket price $20
Buffet for guests of the holiday


We request the support of the Ukrainian Church

Request for vidkritya
Ukrainian Church
week, about 5 pm
458 Neptune Ave., 4A, Brooklyn, NY, 11224
(646) 934-9934



Я щаслива, що мені пощастило знайти Олександра. Звернулась я спочатку щоб погадати і побачити здібності людини ... Але, для мене було не найголовнішим ворожіння, для мене важливо було повернути молоду людину. Різке зникнення коханого було незрозумілим для мене, мене він заблокував скрізь де тільки можна було, хоча до цього присягав мені у своїй любові три роки. Три роки чудових стосунків... Я була вражена, коли Олександр мені все розповів у деталях і навіть з іменами! Я не роздумуючи, попросила у нього допомоги. Довго чекати не довелося – милий був поряд за два тижні. Я дуже вдячна Олександру, що повернув мені коханого вчасно, як і казав! Дуже сильна маг і дуже сильна людина, яка може допомогти у важкій ситуації. Завжди буду вдячна Олександру! Ось його номер +380971792179 вайбер