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Girls, my relationship was on the verge of breaking down. He said that he has someone else, but I’m tired of me and I’m not what he needs and that I haven’t achieved anything in my life. Of course, resentment and pain cloud the mind, tears and hysterics. I held on with all my strength. I thought it was the end of my life with him! And I love him very much. I just don’t know how to live without him anymore. I didn’t give up and immediately started looking for help. I looked through the entire Internet and found Elena. After talking with her, I was very surprised. She told me things that no one could know. At the moment, my husband and I have made peace. After the work, the husband returned on the seventh day with things. All my problems disappeared, thanks to Elena. I recommend her as a person who actually has abilities. Here is her number +80936532445

Date Added: 06/15/2024 | Last Updated: 06/15/2024 | Page Views: 11
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Have you ever been in such a state that you didn’t want anything in this life? Most likely yes, if you are reading this now. I am writing here for a reason, because I had trouble in my personal life. And I want from the bottom of my heart to advise you of the person who saved me and my love. I lived in a happy marriage and thought it would always be like this. We loved each other and didn’t even think about parting. But my mother-in-law intervened in the family, who began to practice black magic and bring us happiness. We began to quarrel often and one day he went to see his mother. I turned to one witch, a tarot reader, who saved my marriage. She was able to do what others could not do. She gave my husband and I protection from my mother-in-law. We are now together, thanks to the witch. I recommend that anyone looking for help in love affairs turn to her. She is a very powerful magician. I will leave you her number +380638055486


WhatsApp Telegram+7(902)603-8323 Black magic DIANA! I am a descendant of a noble family of SORCERERS. I own the basic black magic techniques! I perform countermagic rituals - removing the previous magical influence from a person! I will correct the WORK OF UNCONSCIOUS MAGICIANS! I cooperate with law enforcement agencies and also go to the scene of INCIDENTS for informational purposes and to study the consequences of tragedies) I AM NOT A FORTUNE TELLER, BUT I SEE PEOPLE’S SITUATIONS with clairvoyance! MY SERVICES ! -Chasing an enemy, a rival (to death or illness) -Removing negativity (of any kind) -Love spell (your loved one will be on his knees before you!!!!) -Rite for money (any amount) -Bard from loneliness For a WEALTHY Groom WORK Happy graveyard! Worlds of the Dead! Working with fonts and larvae entities! strictly confidential Personal reception and work online!

Магічні послуги

МАГІЧНІ ПОСЛУГИ. Консультації. ПСИХОЛОГІЧНА ДОПОМОГА. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ поличкам і на всі ваші запитання вже є відповіді! Усі Ритуали я проводжу Білі чорне та без відкату! Для виконання будь-яких обрядів, ворожінь, діагностики мені потрібна ваша фотографія. Фотографія підійде будь-яка, яка у вас є, так само знадобляться повні імена та дати народження. Якщо Ви бажаєте замовити приворот, то будуть потрібні Ваша фотографія і фотографія, того на кого націлений приворот, а також його ім'я та дата народження. Давність фотографій не важлива. - ВАЖЛИВО! Ритуал провожу протягом доби відписуюсь як усе минулося. Усі ритуали починають працювати першого дня після проведення обряду. Результат моєї роботи можна побачити вже першими днями після проведення ритуалу. (Зазвичай це тиждень-два) - (Будь-які Консультації цілительством, привороти, відвороти, дуже великий спектр послуг дзвоніть та уточніть! - Працюю дистанційно (на відстані) по фотографії, що дуже зручно, їхати нікуди не треба! 1.) ДІАГНОСТИКА ПО ФОТО : Даний вид послуги є базовим і з нього, як правило, починається будь-яке спілкування з магом. Спочатку ви розповідаєте, що вас турбує :) Далі ми разом з вами виявляємо корінь проблеми і знаходимо способи її вирішення. Якщо діагностика виявляє негативні програми, пробої по чакрам, (псування, пристріт, приворот, прокляття, поклад, егільєт та інші проблеми у вашому житті) я усуваю ці проблеми та ставлю захист. Наявність негативних програм впливає на Вас і на ритуали, що проводяться! Viber, WhatsApp +79605497965

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fortune teller

IF YOU ARE HARD AND YOU ARE LOOKING FOR HELP, I ADVISE YOU TO CONTACT ONE WOMAN FORTUNE TELLER who has the gift of helping. Lilya is truly a sorceress. I don't want to sugarcoat anything, but she can really help. She had a grandmother (she died), and Lily got a gift from her. She was able to bring back the love of my life and gave me hope!! It happened as she said. After her ceremony, my husband returned to me and everything is fine with us. A HUGE THANKS TO THIS WOMAN, who helps and sees the past and future. If you are in need and your heart is broken, you don’t know a way out - FORTUNE TELLER LILYA THIS HAS BEEN TESTED ON MANY...I recommend it. I am writing her contacts - 380638055486 (Whatsapp Viber)