My husband and I have lived together for 13 years. We have two daughters (7 and 10 years old). We lived like everyone else: we argued and made up... I always knew that my husband loved me very much, and I loved him. He loves the children too, he has never offended us, and the girls adore him. The last year has become a real test for our family. We are mired in mutual grievances over trifles, we have grown apart, he has immersed himself in work and his affairs (garage, gym, fishing, work at the dacha...), I decided that I will take care of work, children, home and go with the flow. Mutual pride, stubbornness and integrity did not allow us both to turn the situation around, to meet each other halfway. We preferred to constantly be offended by each other and not decide anything. Our intimate life also practically ceased. And then on October 30, my husband announced that nothing was working out for us, that he had rented an apartment and filed for divorce. And a couple of days later I found correspondence with another woman on his phone. It turned out that they had been dating for only 2 weeks (this is evident from their WhatsApp conversations), they write words of love to each other, he calls her his wife and me his ex-wife. He writes that he loves her children (she has two sons), writes that she gave him wings. I was broken... I felt the pain of losing my support and support, my loved one. I felt lonely. My soul was breaking and the ground was slipping out from under my feet from the realization that I would no longer be able to hug him, touch him, share my problems... I shared my grief with a neighbor and she gave me the number of clairvoyant Varechka. I immediately wrote to her for help, we agreed to call. Varya tells everything herself about the past, present and future - it gives me goosebumps. I said for my husband that he didn't just leave. I asked him to return to the family. Thanks to Varechka and her rituals, my husband returned home in a week. I am crazy with happiness!!! Many thanks to Varechka, she is a sorceress! Her number is +380632574828 Viber/WhatsApp
Date Added: 11/19/2024 |
Last Updated: 11/19/2024 |
Page Views: 36
I have read good reviews about Zakhar many times. I did not dare to contact him, but then I realized that it was in vain. It was like this. In general, I contacted many fortune tellers when my first husband left, with whom I lived for many years - I only spent a lot, but to no avail. I resigned myself. Time passed and I met a very good man, with whom I lived together for a long time. What can I say, he even treated my son like his own. But, as in the case of my first husband, my beloved suddenly left. I fell into despair, but it's good that I found Zakhar, although I had no hope anymore. He really helped me. Despite the fact that he can be very strict and often speaks only on business, he returned my beloved to me. He did everything that was needed. Now my beloved and I have already signed and I gave birth to his daughter. I sometimes contact Zakhar to this day. Here is his number +380954248510 Viber
For a couple of years in a row, I began to feel like I was not living my life. As if everything was either on hold or going downhill. At work, in my personal life, and with my health. Everything was literally falling out of my hands, it didn’t work out, it irritated me. I lost interest in everything that used to make me happy. I didn’t spare money on psychologists and doctors, because I thought it was either depression or something else. To no avail. At the same time, I tried different practices, looking for myself. Although initially I thought where I was, and where was esotericism? In despair, I decided to be a fortune teller, a tarot reader, a witch, a sorcerer or a magician, the main thing is to understand what is happening to me, what is the reason for it and how to get out of this swamp. Here, too, I did not skimp. I turned to many. But, I was truly impressed by the clairvoyant magician Zakhar and his abilities. His works breathed life into me again, I again felt its taste and colors. Zakhar is a kind, attentive and responsive practitioner with a real gift. He was able to find and eliminate what others did not see. And I was really lucky that despite a long search I managed to find a practitioner who was able to return me to a normal happy life. You can contact Zakhar both for a personal appointment and remotely on messengers Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram at +380954248510. I recommend him with gratitude and with all my heart.
Girls, I want to recommend Marfa! She is one of many who could help me! She was able to help me with my problem, although I no longer hoped that I would be cured and find the meaning of life again. I went to many doctors... tests, ultrasound, etc. They all told me in one voice that my disease is incurable. I lost the meaning of life... resentment... pain... why did I deserve this? A month later, my school friend called, I told her about myself, she immediately gave me Marfa's number and told me to call her right away. She calmed me down and said that she would help me. I can say with a clear conscience that this woman really cured me. My enormous gratitude to Marfa, I can recommend her to everyone! Here is her number +79993359042 Telegram
Good day to all! I suffered greatly from the lack of a person close to me, each time the relationship ended the same way ... Quarrel. Tears. Breakup ... And then I met my man, fell in love with him at first sight. We dated for half a year, my head was spinning with happiness, there was not a minute that I did not think about him. When I found out that I was pregnant and ran to him at work to tell him - he told me that we should break up ... Without explaining anything to me and left. How many tearful nights I spent and did not know what to do, and he still did not show up. A month later, a friend came to me, I told her my situation. She immediately told me to call Mila and she would help me. I dialed her. After talking to her, it somehow became easier and the understanding that everything will be fine. Without seeing a person, you can tell everything about him. Mila removed my celibacy crown, performed a ritual to strengthen the relationship and literally a few days later my beloved called, and then even came to live with me with his things! And when I found out that he was going to be a father, I was very happy. She really helps people and has incredible abilities! Her phone number is +380936532445 Whats app
A licensed massage therapist provides wellness massage for middle-aged and elderly people in your home or office. Massage helps restore energy after illness, and also improves your well-being. You will be satisfied. Details: 646-384-2554