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Gypsy Sandor. Free diagnostics. Black magic.

I do free diagnostics, or answer one question. My name is Sandor. I belong to the ancient gypsy family of Kurdzheli and my whole family in the male line from time immemorial has been engaged in gypsy magic. I help to return the betrothed, I do a love spell and cleansing from the evil eye, damage or slander. I watch fate by candlelight. I make a conspiracy for money and work. I look at the maps of the future of a person or family. I make charmed amulets to search for a man or woman. I have the gift of foresight and clairvoyance. And much more that was passed on to me from my father - the old sorcerer Yevno. Feel free to write to WhatsApp, I answer faster there +7 985 536 9393

Date Added: 12/29/2022 | Last Updated: 12/29/2022 | Page Views: 477
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Hereditary fortune teller and psychic,

I work in the field of practical magic. I conduct strong rituals in the following areas: Village magic, Rune magic, Paganism, High magic, Voodoo. All types of love spells, egilette, turning away from everyone, rituals for marriage, rituals for marital fidelity. Rituals for wealth and success. Rituals for health, rituals for alcoholism. Removing damage and negativity, protection. Author's methods of love spells, rituals for protection and removal of negativity. Rituals of love magic are carried out in a complex - this is a love spell, egillet, quarrel or ostuda (if there is a rival or rival), also blackouts and locks on work. Payment immediately. The rituals do not have any negative consequences, are carried out by an experienced magician, and a ransom is paid. For any questions or advice, please contact us via WhatsApp or call the number listed in the ad.


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