Do you want to attract more clients from social networks and not worry about constant blocking of advertising of ukolchikov, “before-after” and so on? If you have launched advertising at least once, then you are definitely familiar with this. In addition, after all other people's CASES, someone forgot to give you the missing keys to how to make work with advertising in the beauty industry truly profitable and successful. “Like others” You are not alone and our clients have also faced the same problems) But despite all the features and problems of the cosmetology niche in advertising, we were able to understand the pattern and system of HOW to make a STABLE result in advertising procedures, injections and more, and I want to save you from the need to fight and save you a lot of time and money.
Hello! I am looking for a job as a cosmetologist-esthetician with experience in hardware cosmetology and figure correction, lamination of eyelashes and eyebrows. Experience in the USA in the field of cosmetology and in a pharmacy as a pharmacist assistant. The documents are in order, there is a driven license, a car. Sociable, responsible, ready for a creative approach and learning. 929-721-9191 Anna
Hello. I am a universal hair stylist with about 6 years of experience, looking for a job as a hairdresser in a salon or as a hairdresser's assistant My number is +1 929 677 0406