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He is looking for her

52, single man from Turkmenistan looking for a woman 35-40 years old to start a family, status does not matter. (646) 250-2819

Date Added: 05/22/2024 | Last Updated: 05/22/2024 | Page Views: 11
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Looking to meet a woman under 57 from NY

If you are interested in intimate meetings with dinner and good wine, I would be glad to meet you. Photo sharing is required.

He is looking for her

US citizen, 30 years in the country, own home, meets an educated brunette from Central Asia, from the Caucasus, 40-60. (347) 893-4495

He is looking for her

Male, citizen, looking to meet a woman 35-45. (929) 422-3531

I'll get to know you

Handsome is not married. Financially and legally settled. No bad habits, I don’t smoke. Neat. Physically active. Well built, height 175. Looking for a woman 50-60 (a few extra pounds ok), preferably well-built, calm character and sense of humor + The purpose of dating is a serious relationship, further in the dating process. If you are interested in continuing after reading the advertisement, please send a text. I will definitely answer.

Він шукає її

Громадянин США, 31 рік у країні, своє житло, познайомиться з освіченою пишною брюнеткою із Середньої Азії, з Кавказу, 40-60. (347) 893-4495