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He is looking for her

US citizen, 31 years in the country, his

Date Added: 07/02/2024 | Last Updated: 07/02/2024 | Page Views: 7
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The man meets...

Ha SSI, affectionate, will meet a woman aged 40-60, for intimate relations, on my territory....all inclusive....write SMS 347-283-2630 email [email protected]

He is looking for her

74, in the country for a long time, I would be glad to meet a good woman. (929) 377-9025

He is looking for her

Male, citizen, looking to meet a woman 35-45. (929) 422-3531

Познайомлюсь із дівчиною 21-35

Порядний симпатичний хлопець (173/72) познайомиться із дівчиною від 21 до 35 років для серйозних стосунків. Утворено, забезпечено, з документами. Пишіть, знайомитимемося! Email або SMS тільки.

He is looking for her

31, sociable, handsome man with a higher education in physical education, looking for a nice girl under 27, for serious