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Mini Doctor Family Treatment Device Parkes Medicus for Health and Beauty

Every day you need to solve health issues - - How to cleanse the body of viruses and helminths - quickly and harmlessly? - How to restore the functions of each organ to normal - muscles, ligaments, digestion, nerves, heart, liver, metabolism, genitourinary system, strengthen the immune system? - How to quickly heal a cut, bite, burn, bruise, sprain, the consequences of physical overload, hypothermia, stress? - How to cure diseases that doctors cannot cure? How to eliminate chronic health problems? The new Family therapeutic device “Parkes–MedicuS” Rus/English/Tur/Pol 1400 programs, with Anti-Covid programs, with an energy saving system, weighing only 70 grams - this is a small physiotherapeutic device-combine of a new generation that has no analogues. in the world. • Guidelines of the Ministry of Health were issued (Lits.120.13/378.13). • Certified (St. No. 14711/2015) in the country of development for an indefinite period. • State awards were presented. • 65,000 patients improved their condition. - How to protect yourself from the negativity of others, harmful energy, and cleanse yourself after prolonged exposure to the computer; - How to quickly relieve headaches, insomnia, cheer up, increase performance and strength in the gym; - How to restore strength, increase performance and strength indicators? - How to conduct a microcurrent massage of the face and body areas at home, make the skin clean and beautiful, remove wrinkles and acne? - How to lose excess weight and look younger? - How can you develop many hidden abilities given by nature? These tasks will be perfectly performed by the therapeutic mini-device “Parkes-Medicus”, created by Doctor of Medical Sciences, academician, president of the European University of Functional Medicine - the development and improvement of the device has been going on for more than 30 years in the laboratory of Family Medicine of the KhMAPO Medical University. More than 65 thousand patients have already improved their health using this method (this device). State awards were presented in several countries. The “Parkes-MedicuS” device is needed every day at home, at work, and is indispensable on the road, on vacation, while traveling, where there is no doctor or medicine nearby. The device can save lives in a critical situation! This is our pharmacy and clinic in your pocket, always with you - modern, high-tech, effective and safe - there are no side effects. The technique allows you to treat animals, your pets, and plants. This device is a must-have for every family, especially if you have children! The level of health determines the child’s capabilities (physical and intellectual) and his prospects for the future in life. The device will help develop abilities. The therapeutic device “Parkes–Medicus 1400” has ready-made software packages for common diagnoses - just select them in the device menu and turn them on. The “Parkes-Medicus” device has 1402 treatment programs lasting 40 minutes, and 58 ready-made complexes of 8-10 programs (7-9 hours each). The programs are compiled in 24 sections: 1. Biological burdens 159 programs - Anti-parasitic programs, anti-viruses, bacteria, helminths, fungi, protozoa, mites, etc., 2. Lymph, blood - 53 programs, 3. Respiratory system - 21, 4. Cardiovascular system - 53, 5. Digestive system - 24, 6. Genitourinary system - 30, 7. Nervous system - 68, 8. Musculoskeletal system - 44, 9. Endocrine system - 18, 10. Immune system - 36, 11. Cosmetology - 171, 12. Autoimmune reactions - 26, 13. Drainage - 13, 14. Enzymes - 9, 15. Autotraining - 106, 16. Pain - 85 programs, 17. Skin - 43 , 18. Threshold immune antiparasitic protection of body cells and the body as a whole - 153, 19. Hormones - 31, 20. Emotions - 20, 21. DNA - 57 programs, 22. Affirmations - 26, 23. Amino acids, trace elements, vitamins - 96 programs, 24. Software complexes - 58. The “Parkes–Medicus” therapeutic device has programs for independent use in the family, at work, on the road, while driving, on vacation, while traveling, and programs only for doctors for physical therapy in the therapy room, in a hospital, clinic, outpatient clinic, in an ambulance, in a sanatorium: ✓ Infrared therapy ✓ Electromagnetic therapy ✓ Electrosleep and neurostimulation therapy ✓ Microcurrent therapy ✓ Electrophoresis ✓ Electroanalgesia ✓ Electrosleep ✓ Hardware cosmetology ✓ Point galvanophoresis in acupuncture points ✓ Production of dipole structured water for internal use. The Parkes-Medicus therapeutic device replaces a physiotherapy room and completely solves all the tasks of a family doctor. Now your mini-doctor is always with you! - at home, at work, on the road and on vacation - to quickly help in difficult times!

For the doctor Diagnostic device functional honey "Parkes-D" high-precision express method

• Parkes devices were developed in the state scientific laboratory of family medicine of the Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (KMAPO) together with the Family Health medical center. • Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health Protection on the use of PARKES® in all health care institutions have been issued. • Parkes devices have been awarded state awards from Ukraine, Germany, etc., and have more than 200 awards from different countries. • Parkes devices are easy to use and easy to use for initial training of users: certified, folk (valeologists) and for personal tests in the family. • Developer “Parkes”, doctor of medicine, academician, president of the European University of Functional Medicine (EUFM) conducts advanced training and thematic courses in specializations with the issuance of international certificates of UEFM, Dresden Academy. Now you can see several times more patients in your office with high accuracy, determining the causes of their problems, or become a family doctor for your friends and acquaintances, and suggest, based on tests of the Parkes-D diagnostic device, what health problem you need to pay attention to first of all and immediately begin to restore. It is very important to see health deviations from the norm in advance, before the appearance of symptoms and painful manifestations, before the development of diseases, which later will be much more difficult, expensive and time-consuming to correct. The Parkes-D functional testing complex embodies both the latest scientific achievements in this field and the results of the latest technical developments. Constantly updated with new developments, the Parkes-D diagnostic device, connected to a laptop, allows you to carry out highly accurate (96%) express diagnostics: in 20 minutes, determine the most burdened organ/system of the body and the type of burden (parasitic, environmental, psychological, social , functional, genetic, energetic, geopathogenic, nutritional, microbial, mycotic, etc.) - determine the presence of any functional imbalance in the body in real time dynamics, - diagnose the presence of latent (hidden) infections and parasites, even when no other classical methods did not reveal them - using an innovative pre-symptom method, which has no analogues in the world - using various reactions of the body and antibodies - determining the histological chains of origin of diseases, and not just organ ones, - differentially determining viral-bacterial burden, type and class using the most complete database of constantly updated data, determine the location of their localization by organs and systems, - contact with toxic substances of an environmental or viral-bacterial nature, chemical elements in the body, - the level of physical and organ activity in real time dynamics, - psychosocial factors, the influence of acute or chronic stress factors, determine types of stress using a stressogram, assess psychological disorders, - conduct non-invasive (without sampling) laboratory tests of qualitative indicators (not quantitative) at the pre-nosological level - biochemical and physiological parameters of the body (including main tumor markers, antibodies and autoantibodies), - diagnose hereditary and chromosomal diseases, - diagnose stem cells, diagnose all organs and systems at the cellular level, use the most complete histological database of the cellular composition of the human body, - conduct a study of tumor markers, autoantibodies, peptides, enzymes, lipid complex, microelements, vitamins, amino acids, hormones, Krebs cycle, antioxidant status according to the most complete database of biochemical processes of the body, - Cosmetology test - determination of skin turgor and elasticity, water content in skin cells, state of connective tissue in subcutaneous tissue, toxic burden, database of hair and nail tests, - Spine test functional activity of the spine with determination of the performance of each vertebra, intervertebral joints, determine the myofascial level of disorders, etc., determine the homotoxicological index of the body according to Reckeweg for the appointment and selection of appropriate procedures and means, - biological age, activity of body systems, levels of adaptation of the body, index burdens of the body, Health Passport, - determine the level of activity of the immune system, the level of adaptogenic reactions of the body (activation, reactivation, inhibition, inhibition), - conduct a comprehensive functional assessment of the body at the preclinical stage of the development of the disease, when its symptoms are not expressed or absent; - on a highly sensitive site, determine intolerance to foods, drinks, medications, creams, herbal remedies, create an individual list of the most useful products for regulating metabolic processes and immunity, - obtain repeated tests using a highly accurate express method in 15 minutes based on the saved indicators of previous tests in the patient’s history, - on a highly sensitive site, carry out remote diagnostics using the biomaterial sent by the patient (blood, urine, diaper, tuft of hair), - on a highly sensitive site, test on the biomaterial of domestic animals (fur), conduct veterinary tests, - conduct an Energy and Aural-Chakra test - determine the volume state of activity of the chakras and aura as a whole, establish energetic connections of the chakras with internal organs, find the causes of aural-chakra disorders, energy balance, levels of harmony of the chakras, emotional state and psycho-somatic “masks”, - find the cause of a number of symptoms based on the patient’s complaint, obtain to double-check the suspected diagnosis; - record your medications in the device’s memory to form your own exclusive data bank for selection to the subject based on the body’s response, - select precise schemes for preserving and restoring health with herbal remedies and frequencies of the Parkes-Medicus physiotherapeutic device based on tests performed, body reactions, using algorithms obtained in primary training. The speed of examination with a large number of patients is achieved by reducing the number of measured points (35 biologically active points of the left hand), improving measurement techniques and innovative programs with the latest proprietary set of nosodes. The use of the “Parkes-D” device allows you to optimize the volume of subsequent traditional laboratory examinations, since based on the results of the “Parkes-D” functional diagnostics, the directions of examinations become more defined. This leads to significant savings in examination time—reducing costs for further diagnosis. In addition, assessing the body’s compatibility with various drugs and xenobiotics allows one to avoid toxic overloads and allergization of the body. The speed and accuracy of Parkes-D diagnostics is indispensable where you need to save health or life in a difficult situation. Based on the totality of available functional and analytical capabilities, the Parkes-D diagnostic device is a portable mobile laboratory for carrying out multiparametric express diagnostics of various conditions of the human body - the device has small dimensions and low total weight (550 grams), is mobile, has an independent autonomous power supply (for elimination of inductive currents from the electrical network), filters for eliminating external electromagnetic interference, therefore indispensable for doctors in private offices, clinics, family doctors visiting home, sports doctors, military doctors in the field, local doctors, doctors on ships and aircraft, doctors in remote regions and remote areas of the Earth, doctors of tourist groups, archaeological, research, doctors accompanying business trips, expeditions, business meetings, negotiations, tours, doctors in resort centers, boarding houses, doctors of health clubs, healthy nutrition, beauty salons, rejuvenation centers, rehabilitation centers ( physical, manual, psychological, drug and other addictions, aural, energetic, after serious illnesses, etc.), oriental therapy, auro-energetics, chiropractors, dentists, nutritionists, dermatologists, cosmetologists, psychologists, rehabilitation specialists, paramedics, traditional healers, veterinarians, cancer centers and dispensaries, centers for restoring reproductive function. The diagnostic device “Parkes-D” can be equipped with the necessary options to choose from, as needed, according to your budget, with the ability to complete it with the necessary options later, remotely, as the office’s income increases. There are medical and non-medical (valeological) versions of diagnostic options. All diagnostic categories of the "Parkes-D" device, with which you can choose to equip your device: 1. Functional map 2. Point map 3. Psychological map 4. Algorithm D 5. Load test 6. Weights 7. Chronobiological test 8. Viral-bacterial and environmental burden 9. Histological test 10. Symptomatic test 11. Physiological test 12. Psychological indicators 13. Metabolic test 14. Psychological-energy test 15. Product test 16. Extended Product test 17. Oncotest 18. Organogram 19. Family doctor 20. Allergotest 21. Minilab 22. Health passport 23. Physiological indicators 24. Laboratory indicators 25. Phytotest 26. Parkes-Medicus 27. Neurogram (Aurogram) 28. Skin monitoring 29. Valeology 30. Medicines 31. Guna medicines 32. Homeopathy 33 Bioresonance homeopathy 34. Veterinary diagnostics 35. Remote examination Upcoming new products: Carcinogens, Segmental test, Su-jok and Aurorecular test, Functional Cosmetology Cabinet, Electromagnetic structurizer (Reprinter), EMMLIT - electromagnetic myofascial modeling of the face and body. 1. Dispatch from the manufacturer without intermediaries. 2. Delivery to any city in the world. 3. Remote setup. 4. Primary training. 5. Advanced training. 6. Regular updates remotely. 7. High quality guarantee, warranty service, technical support.

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Diagnostic mini-device "Parkes-D" for examining organ functions

To study your health and test the functions of family members’ organs at home, the Parkes-D Family Doctor (Valeologist) diagnostic device was created. The diagnostic device “Parkes-D” is designed to assess the functional state of organs, body systems and the presence of viral helminths in yourself and your loved ones, relatives, friends, in order to see in time what requires adjustment by a specialist. It is very important to see health deviations from the norm in advance, before the appearance of symptoms and painful manifestations, before the development of diseases that will be much more difficult, expensive and time-consuming to correct. You can also accurately study the health of pets - animals, birds, reptiles - using the Parkes-D Family Valeologist diagnostic device. “Parkes-D” devices are indispensable for the proper development of children and the health of parents - Diagnostic and therapeutic mini-device “Parkes-Medicus” (1402 Russian/English programs, Anti-Covid programs, CE Euro-certificate). You can discover and develop hidden abilities and talents, significantly improve memory, thinking, speech, vision, endurance, self-esteem (Autotraining programs), protect energetically and informationally, decompress after the computer, and for parents - rejuvenate the skin, strengthen hair, teeth, bring them back to normal hormones and metabolism, rejuvenate appearance, remove excess weight, remove allergic reactions, improve the quality of sleep and activity, and much, much more, athletes - increase their strength in a short time, increase the rate of metabolism and regeneration of muscles, tendons and connective tissue in several times, regulate hormones (testosterone). Thanks to the Parkes-D diagnostic device, you can accurately determine by the body’s response in real time whether the drugs, drinks, and creams that you currently use are suitable for you or whether they are useless or harmful to you individually, due to your unique body reactions to them. It is very important to accurately determine those food products that are suitable individually for you (your stomach, pancreas and intestines), to find out which products are beneficial, neutral or harmful to you individually. You can choose the herbal mixtures and herbal creams “Family Health” that your body needs, which have restored the condition of 65,000 patients - the herbal mixtures were developed by the European University of Functional Medicine (EUFM) for treatment in combination with the frequency therapeutic mini-device “Parkes-Medicus” (1402 Russian/English programs, Anti-Covid programs, CE Euro certificate). With “Parkes-D” you study yourself in order to strengthen and restore your health in advance, and now you will not wait for a sudden advanced illness. When you study the work of your organs every day, assess your functional state - this takes your life to a new level of health, a new perception of the world and vivid sensations, a lot of vital energy appears, giving you the strength to realize your most daring tasks in life. It is very exciting to study yourself, to understand the world of physiology and functioning of the body, to expand your horizons not only in understanding functional diagnostics, but to understand it much more broadly, how the work of our human organs as a Microworld is regulated by the laws of the Macroworld of the Universe - inhaled wind, filled with inflorescences of herbs, flowers and trees; rays and power of the Sun, foods taken, physical activity, emotions received, the influence of surrounding people and events. By studying ourselves through ourselves, we study everything that surrounds us and what influences us, and how it influences us - positively or vice versa. All changes can be observed in real time - the Parkes-D diagnostic program will show the moments when experiences begin and end during a specific event, changes in the biochemistry and energy of individual organs when taking drugs or drinks. You can see the various reactions of the body, the immune system - see what the most accurate medical devices cannot determine today. For example, they cannot find a virus, bacteria, or oncological process. And the Parkes-D diagnostic program will identify them based on the individual response of the immune system to this particular pathogen, recorded during many years of laboratory research. This is a histological chain of causes of diseases. This is an express method, and now there is no need to waste time traveling to laboratories and waiting for results. The Parkes-D diagnostics will provide high-quality indicators of laboratory tests non-invasively, without sampling, including the main tumor markers, antibodies and autoantibodies. And this is the most important thing - to find out the real cause of the health problem. The “Parkes-D” diagnosis will determine the type of burden (parasitic, environmental, psychosocial, functional, genetic, energetic, geopathogenic, etc.), and the location of the pathogenic flora (by class and type). The Parkes-D diagnostic device will determine physiological indicators (biological age, activity of body systems, levels of body adaptation, body burden index, Health Passport), Functional testing, Organogram, Symptomatic test, selection of an individual scheme of restorative complex therapy based on the individual response of the body, selection herbal medicines and food products. The Parkes-D diagnostic device has the function of recording drugs into the device’s memory to form its own exclusive bank of diagnostic data, and memory of examination history for analyzing the dynamics of therapy. Tests can be carried out remotely using the highly sensitive Parkes-D test platform for the sent biomaterial - a sample of blood, saliva, urine or a tuft of hair (hair stores information better and is stored longer under normal conditions). The diagnostic device "Parkes-D" is portable, has small dimensions and low total weight (550 grams), is mobile, has an independent autonomous power supply (to eliminate inductive currents from the mains), filters to eliminate external electromagnetic interference, therefore it is indispensable for doctors in private offices, clinics, family doctors making house calls, sports doctors, military doctors in the field, local doctors, sea and aircraft doctors, doctors of remote regions and remote areas of the Earth, doctors of tourist groups, archaeological, research, doctors accompanying business trips, expeditions, business meetings , negotiations, tours, doctors in resort centers, boarding houses, doctors of health clubs, healthy nutrition, beauty salons, rejuvenation centers, rehabilitation centers (physical, manual, psychological, for drug and other addictions, aural, energetic, after serious illnesses, etc. .d.), oriental therapy, chiropractors, dentists, nutritionists, dermatologists, cosmetologists, cancer centers and dispensaries, centers for restoring reproductive function. The PARKES® diagnostic device connects to a laptop and has an innovative acupuncture frequency-resonance technique, which has no analogues in the world, described in the Guidelines of the Ministry of Health (Lits. 120.13/378.13), perpetual certification (St. No. 14711/2015), belongs to the section of the latest technologies in frequency resonance medicine, are registered as an innovation in medicine in the country of development, have the highest degree of recognition and the largest evidence-based scientific and medical base among all analogues in the world. The author of the PARKES diagnostic and rehabilitation method is Igor Ivanovich Pavlusenko - Doctor of Medical Sciences, honorary academician, professor at the European University of Functional Medicine (EUFM), family doctor with more than 35 years of experience, who has improved the condition of more than 65 thousand patients using the Parkes method, herbalist in 3 1st generation, homeopath, professor, head physician of the family medicine center “Family Health”, President of the European University of Functional Medicine, training diagnosticians with the issuance of diplomas, researcher at the laboratory of family medicine of KhMAPO (Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education), corresponding member UEAN (Ukrainian Ecological Academy of Sciences), full member of the European Scientific Community, author of more than 50 published scientific papers, author of 20 inventions that have received more than 200 awards in different countries of the world for their contribution to strengthening the health of the nation and the development of functional medicine, honorary member of European medical institutions , creator of a number of original schools (“School of Family Health”, “School of Psychological Health”, “Fundamentals of Rehabilitation”, manual therapy, cosmetology, “Microworld around us”, etc.), author of 4 methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, author of 25- ty medical-biological and medical-technical innovations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. The creator of 4 proprietary treatment methods, accepted and approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the developer of the Parkes line of diagnostic and physiotherapeutic devices and all the therapeutic agents (rehabilitation) necessary for a doctor for the full cycle from examination to full recovery - a line of frequency devices, herbal mixtures, herbal creams, herbal sprays, functional nutrition (proteins, pictins, minerals, collagen, vitamins, antioxidants), dental phytopaste, mitochondrial energy, food and beverage processing Anti-viral, Anti-GMO, water structuring (creation of bipolar connections), energy protection, information protection and decongestion after the computer, a program for the development of personal internal reserves for self-development, rejuvenation of appearance and weight loss. You are only happy when you are healthy!

Cosmetology device “Parkes–MedicuS” for face and body rejuvenation

How to quickly remove wrinkles - give yourself and your loved ones a professional microcurrent massage using electrodes connected to a cosmetology device, conductive gloves or a face mask connected to the device. The cosmetology device “Parkes–MedicuS” is intended both for self-conducting at home, in the family, a course of facial and body rejuvenation, and for professional use in beauty salons, clinics, medical centers, boarding houses, beauty studios for conducting application microcurrent massage (therapy) skin, Electromagnetic Myofascial Modeling of Face and Body (EMMLIT), myostimulation, lymphatic drainage and lifting, as well as for complex restoration of organ functions by clinicians. Research work to create advanced cosmetological and therapeutic techniques for the “Parkes-MedicuS” device has been carried out since 2004 in the scientific and medical laboratory of family medicine of the KhMAPO Medical University (Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education) together with the Kharkov University of Radio Electronics. Since 2016, under the leadership of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician Igor Ivanovich Pavlusenko, the European University of Functional Medicine (EUFM) and the Research Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine have been working on modernizing the device. The action of the Parkes-MedicuS frequency programs has been clinically tested in 10 clinics over 8 years, hospitals, medical universities and boarding houses, and gives sustainable results for many years - 65,000 patients have improved their condition. Methodological Instructions of the Ministry of Defense of Health were issued. This technique is a novelty of modern cosmetological medicine, which has no analogues in the world, the creation of which uses the latest achievements of medicine, biophysics and electrobiology, modern electronic and information developments, as well as the personal thirty years of experience of the author of these functional technologies - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the European University of Functional Medicine (EUFM), academician I.I. Pavlusenko, a family doctor with more than 35 years of experience, a third-generation hereditary herbalist who has improved the condition of more than 65 thousand patients with his methods, which have received state awards from several countries and more than 200 awards. For the cosmetological work of the “Parkes–MedicuS” device, the European University of Functional Medicine (EUFM) has developed: - Methodology of Myofascial Modeling of Face and Body (EMMLIT) - Cosmetology device “Parkes–MedicuS” - a line of electrodes connected to the device - herbal medicine - herbal creams of functional cosmetics with transdermal transfer - herbal mixtures from which mixtures are prepared: masks, wipes, internal remedies, baths, applications, - functional nutrition and specialized herbal preparations necessary for the complete restoration of the body - more than 170 highly effective frequency cosmetology programs for the “Parkes–MedicuS” device, 43 programs for the skin, and therapeutic programs for restoring organs and systems of the body that affect the condition of the skin - more than 1,400 programs in total - to restore the functions of each organ according to the list in the device menu. The cosmetological technique of microcurrent massage with the “Parkes–MedicuS” device allows you to: - cleanse the skin, nourish, moisturize, protect from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation; - relieve muscle tension, spasms - activate blood and lymph flow - perform lymphatic drainage - remove toxins; - smooth out wrinkles; - remove spider veins on the face and body; peeling, rashes, redness, bruises and hematomas on the skin, liver spots, boils, pustules, acne, rashes, inflamed clogged pores, scars, papules (nodules), pustules, subcutaneous cysts, comedones, milia, - remove dermatitis and allergic skin reactions , - remove sweating, - remove cellulite, stretch marks, sagging skin, - carry out general rejuvenation of the skin, hair, teeth, - adjust weight - lose weight. The physiotherapeutic device “Parkes–MedicuS” is a multifunctional combine, weighing only 70 grams, the capabilities of which can exceed the set of devices of many physiotherapy rooms: ✓ Infrared therapy ✓ Electromagnetic therapy ✓ Electrical and neuro-stimulating therapy ✓ Microcurrent therapy ✓ Electrophoresis ✓ Electroanalgesia ✓ Electrosleep ✓ Microcurrent massage, Electromagnetic Myofascial Modeling of Face and Body (EMMLIT) ✓ Hardware cosmetology - allows you to do cosmetic lifting, microcurrent applications and wraps with special device programs ✓ Lymphotherapy ✓ Pinpoint galvanophoresis at acupuncture points ✓ Electromagnetic detoxification by improving the permeability of cell membranes ✓ Tissue herbal antiparasitic protection. Electromagnetic strengthening of immunity ✓ Production of dipole structured water for internal use. The work of all internal organs is projected onto the skin, therefore the ParkeS-Medicus device contains all the necessary therapeutic programs for correcting the functions of all organs and systems. The cosmetological and therapeutic device “Parkes-MedicuS” (Device for electrodynamic regulation of the body) also solves the following problems: ✓ Antipathogenic therapy - removes viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths and much more, removes toxins, radionuclides, heavy metal salts, pesticides, nitrates, allergens, household chemicals, construction and gardening chemicals; ✓ Restoring the correct functioning of the functions of organs and systems of the body and their relationships until full recovery after an accurate diagnosis using the “Parkes-D” device, which evaluates tens of thousands of indicators in real time (such diagnostics can be completed remotely), ✓ Strengthens the immune system, ✓ in the one selected in the menu the organ improves blood circulation, connective tissue framework, the level of nervous regulation of the organ and the level of excretory work; ✓ Anesthetizes, relieves inflammation; ✓ Treats a wide range of diseases with a lasting effect due to strengthening the body’s immune responses - including pets and plants, ✓ Anti-GMO and Anti-viral processing of food and drinks, ✓ Rejuvenating appearance, losing weight, restoring the functions of skin, hair, teeth, memory , vision, getting rid of allergic reactions of the body, also, the Cosmetological and therapeutic device “Parkes–MedicuS” is used for: ✓ for conducting Microcurrent massage using the method of application microcurrent therapy and EMMLIT - Electromagnetic Myofascial Modeling of Face and Body - development of the European University of Functional Medicine (EUFM) - create professional skin care for yourself and your loved ones - using remote electrodes or conductive gloves connected to the device. ✓ for impact on points (Shiatsu) and areas of the face and body with connected electrodes with adjustable current strength, ✓ Development of internal reserves, hidden abilities, increasing endurance, potency, strength, improving athletic performance and strength indicators in a short time, increasing the metabolic rate of muscles and connective tissue, restoration and rehabilitation (physical, manual, psychological, from drug and other addictions, aural, energetic, after serious illnesses, etc.), restoration of reproductive function, ✓ Energy protection of the user, information unloading, ✓ Structuring of water with specific medicinal programs. Thanks to the compactness of the device (its weight is only 70 grams), it is easy to use on the road, while traveling, on vacation, outdoors, at sea and in the air, in remote areas where there is no medical assistance. The technique allows you to treat animals and plants. Now it’s easy to help your loved ones!
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