In the picturesque community Wild Acres, Pocono (New York)
In a picturesque community Wild Acres, Pocono house for sale after renovation, 3 bedrooms, finished basement, covered porche, 3 pools, nearest 1/2 block,7 lakes, beach. 917-693-5428
In a closed community, a country house for sale after renovation! Pennsylvania, Pokkono. 2.5 hours from New York! Entry by pass, lake, swimming pool, tennis courts! Nearby there is a supermarket and farms. Excellent conditions for a good rest for any family! Call for details. Sergey.
3 stories central heating and air conditioning. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths and toilets. 2 decks, 2 full equipped kitchens, gas heating and electric. find out by phone 917-650-4421 ZILLOW. COM or you need to enter the address in the search bar.