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→ Books, textbooks, dictionaries (339)

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Your home, business: buy/sellBooks, textbooks, dictionaries

Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I will sell subscription editions of O. Balzac, K. Paustovsky, A. Dumas, T. Dreiser. (347) 293-6796


Books, textbooks, dictionaries

Selling books by different authors, good condition. (646) 280-6994


Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I sell books in English, Russian, cheap. (718) 891-0026


Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I am selling a selection of healthy lifestyle magazines covering several years. (347) 603-3369


Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I will sell books by A. Dumas, the Strugatsky brothers, a series of books in the genre of fantasy, adventure, the collected works of O. Balzac in 24 volumes, and other literature. (347) 293-6796


Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I sell cookbooks and recipe books. (347) 272-0234


Books, textbooks, dictionaries

Selling the book The Basics of Absolute Health and Longevity. (347) 861-3134


Books, textbooks, dictionaries

Selling new books for children 4-10 years old. (646) 472-6464


Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I sell books on various topics. (347) 761-6630


Books, textbooks, dictionaries

I will buy the complete works of A. Christie in 72 volumes, edition 1992-2008, collections of fairy tales from different nations. (718) 648-8103


Books, textbooks, dictionaries

Selling books, art albums. (718) 934-7755


Books, textbooks, dictionaries

Selling a collection of fascinating mathematical puzzles by L. Carroll. (347) 272-0231


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